• The lights are up

    The trees are decorated

    But this merry Christmas

    Is not one to be celebrated.

    I'm here all alone

    Scared and Crying

    No one to hold my hand

    I can feel myself dying.

    Mom left last christmas

    Packed her bags and went out the door

    Dad started drinking

    I don't see him anymore.

    The house is abandoned

    Broken, beaten and old

    There's no fire to warm me

    Even my blood is cold.

    When do I get my presents?

    When do I get my cheer?

    Because I know its not this house

    I know its not these tears.

    When does my holiday get to be happy?

    When does my family get to laugh by the fire?

    When do i get to stop crying a minute?

    When do I have to stop being cold and tired?

    I used to treasure Christmas

    It was a time I held dear

    Now it's nothing

    Because Mom and Dad aren't here.