• his jacket is red, his eyes are blue
    Santa is coming for Christmas and he'll be here very soon
    i wait for my presents on Christmas eve night
    i hear a clip and clop on the roof top during midnight
    i slip to the tree as quiet as i could
    i peer at the fireplace were there is suet
    then a big man with a red coat jumped out of it
    he gave me a fright
    i yelped and jumped out of sight
    he must of heard me and said
    don't be afraid i am not bad
    for i have brought gifts for you of course
    i look at the man he looked jolly and glad
    he handed me a present that was green and white
    i opened it up with a sparkle in my eye
    it was the gift i wish for
    i looked up to say thank you but he was gone
    all the presents were there but Santa what not
    i went back to bed without a squeak
    i got in bed and peeped good night
    tell this day i remember that night
    when Old Saint Nicklaus saw me that night