• Alone I shake and shiver, huddled, frightened from the cold
    Like that last freezing raindrop, that quivered as it rolled
    Down the window pane and stopped, to watch the dawning of the day
    The timidly twittering sparrows as they set out on their way

    The slow and sickly sun that slides, lethargic through the sky
    Clusters of dazed people, aimlessly hurrying by
    Calling out, I try to join them, but I’m paralysed on the ground
    Doomed to gasp and shudder, while this icy world spins round

    Outside, nature twists and sways, a puppet of the breeze
    My stomach moves in tandem, I feel sick down to my knees
    My heart has frozen solid, and I fear that I might die
    When all at once the ice is smashed, and I begin to cry

    The sun grows brighter, warm and well, the world is strong again
    The blue sky shoves the clouds away, no more a fear of rain
    No longer will I live in fear and cower from the cold
    In this world meant for the boistrous, the brave and for the bold.