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  • Arenas
  • SSj 3 goku
  • Title: SSj 3 goku
  • Artist: lord Sesshomaru64374
  • Description: This is not part of the inuyasha series
    This is just some thing i did on my spare time
    It from the dragon ball Z series
  • Date: 01/29/2009
  • Tags: dragonballz
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Pikachu Pretzels - 02/08/2009
  • hey u sucky Lionfisn the third and wolvenH, i dont want to here squat from u that drawings amazin and i giv it a 5star rating, so GET A LIFE!!!
  • XxEtErnallyRosExX - 01/31/2009
  • ""Well it's pretty small, so I can't tell if you really drew it. For starters, It looks like he's masturbating with his non-existent hand and his ENTIRE body is way to big. The dimensions are disproportionate. If you did this freehand, you may want to invest in some graph paper to help with the size and the dimensions. Myeh, 3/5. ""

    Agreed... yet I give it a 2/5.
  • NyoroAthem - 01/31/2009
  • Since when was Sesshomaru in DBZ? He's much to muscular and it really does look as though he's masturbating...It looks good, but not at all like the character it was intended to be.
  • Doodledudedc - 01/30/2009

  • * Lionfish The Third - 01/29/2009
    *" Well it's pretty small, so I can't tell if you really drew it. For starters, It looks like he's masturbating with his non-existent hand and his ENTIRE body is way to big. The dimensions are disproportionate. If you did this freehand, you may want to invest in some graph paper to help with the size and the dimensions. Myeh, 3/5. "

    Whatever, your blind...

    It's great keep up the great work!
  • Lionfish The Third - 01/29/2009
  • Well it's pretty small, so I can't tell if you really drew it. For starters, It looks like he's masturbating with his non-existent hand and his ENTIRE body is way to big. The dimensions are disproportionate. If you did this freehand, you may want to invest in some graph paper to help with the size and the dimensions. Myeh, 3/5.
  • XDZenLeeDX - 01/29/2009
  • u turned something that was so simple, into something amazingly detailed, NICE!! keep drawing or I shoot your pancakes ^o^
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