• Standing on the surface of the ocean
    Feeling the waves crash against my skin
    I feel no danger, don't mind drowning
    In the ocean of your blood-stained fears

    You can't look more than once
    Lest you see the blood-lust
    How can you pretend it was only a dream?
    You play it off like a joke
    You laugh like you were kidding
    But six feet under the water
    I can't see what's funny

    Oh, I taste the blood in the water
    Let it mix with my blood-stained skin
    Watch the calm surface fade
    To reveal the raging water within

    I should've just stayed on land, oh
    I should've feared I would drown
    But wrapped in the cool salty waves
    I couldn't sense a threat around

    I was looking straight into the eyes of the storm
    They were crying out for help
    For even a hurricane has to admit
    That he's scared of himself

    I should've looked under the surface
    But all I saw was the blue waves
    Had I known there were raging waters
    I would've known to be afraid