• My name is Zoey
    I decided to go off with my mom and dad.
    It's rare for me to do anything with them cause they always fuss and argue.

    Mommy forgot to grab her car keys.
    Daddy just screamed at mommy to hurry up, just getting mad.
    It feels like they argue more to eachother then pay attention to me...it's true.

    As the car started, I asked mommy where we were going, but no answer...
    I kept asking where we were going, but daddy just shouted at me to Shut up!
    I always want to cry when daddy yells at me, but I know that if I do, then he'll yell even more.

    Mommy finally answered and told me we were visiting our aunt who has cancer.
    I can tell by mommys voice that she's annoyed be me...If she's really annoyed with me, she'll hit me with the nearest cup.
    We stayed for a while, and mommy started to complain,that her hands feet were sore.

    I walked behind them to the car while mommy and daddy were argueing.
    I mostly stayed back because I didn't want daddy to see me cry.
    Before I knew it, somthing hit me with harshly...

    All I saw was mommy and daddy running to me...just running.
    I see a bright light...I see blood to my side...am I going to die?
    The pain is still there...it stings alot, and hitted me sharply.

    Mommy and daddy are shouting and crying out for me.
    I can tell that they were by the looks of it...I can't hear them
    My hearing slowly picks up and I heard somthing I've longed for so long..."Mommy and Daddy love you...Don't leave us now!...your our baby."

    The more I looked at mommy and daddy, they started to fade away...
    Before they faded away from me completely I said "I still love you mommy and daddy."
    It felt like I fell into a deep sleep afterwards.

    My name is Zoey
    I've been hit by a car.
    My parents may not be the greatest, but I still love them...