• It is beautiful
    It seems so nice
    Its smile is warm
    Its eyes are like ice
    You fall for him
    Head over heel
    When you are with him life is perfect
    He is so unreal
    Until one night
    In the dead of dark
    It comes inside your door
    It whispers and starts to leave it bloody mark
    It doesn't love you
    It needs you for something you couldn't imagine
    You don't know what this demon will do
    You wake up
    Your pillow wet with your own blood
    He is standing over you
    His hands covered in mud
    He smiles and says
    "It won't hurt that bad."
    Suddenly he's gone
    Someone makes you stand
    You don't realize its gotten in your head
    He makes you take a knife in your hand
    You are a puppet
    A marionette
    You can do nothing
    As you watch yourself be controlled by the one you thought you knew
    You can't escape
    Your mind became a trap
    You watch yourself do awful things
    A dead kitten is on your lap
    Slowly, one by one
    It uses you to kill the ones you love
    You feel the joy it brings him
    When bloody rain falls from above
    You begin to realize, to know
    That even if you killed yourself
    He would find someone else
    Then your vision stops
    Like he's decided to turn your television off
    You feel a swell of anger
    Because before your view switched off
    You watched your baby brother die
    He stabbed by your own hands
    All you do is cry
    You let him into your heart
    This is your biggest mistake
    Because of you
    He will take and take
    He feeds on agony
    You try to take back control
    Then you realize you don't care
    And you begin to laugh
    There is nothing left for you out there
    So with that you give your mind an insane grin
    You can no longer bare
    You take back your control
    You put the knife to your heart
    "Goodbye" you stab yourself
    You knew of an ancient art
    The demon writhes and dies
    For he had made your heart his home
    And when you destroyed that
    He died to forever roam
    The place where all evil goes.