Days pass by, but I feel nothing...
    No hunger, no thirst, no pain, no weariness.
    Staring out the window as life goes on around me,
    Ignoring me as I have grown accustomed.

    The room encloses,
    Gets smaller everyday.
    I have not left it, I gave up long ago.
    Pounding, fighting, screaming
    Gave way to nothing.
    The door is locked,
    And will forever be to my touch.
    The window is barred,
    Save a small portion open to my viewing.
    To look but not to feel...
    Such is my true hell.

    Inside, it's destroyed.
    The furniture in shards,
    The walls shredded and scraped with blood and fingernail.

    I died in this room.

    And yet, here I stay,
    Where there is no sleep,
    No conception of time.
    There is only the blank void I live from now on.
    What little light there is stares back at me,
    Like a teasing salvation I can never reach,
    A reminder of a happiness I once had.

    So I look on, through the eye of the window,
    Where it is beautiful...
    So beautiful....

    © Copyright 2007 CursedFreedom (UN: brokensword at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.