• W i n t e r || B r i s k

    It's painful, having these feelings I no longer desire.
    The feelings have no comfort at my side,
    and they will always be lacking strength.
    I will wait until the snow falls again, this year,
    to ask myself what I want most in life.

    Until then, I will stand here by this window,
    and wait for the snow to fall.
    During the years, I've told myself to ignore it,
    but it's painful, to not tell yourself how you feel.
    The snow falls, but all I do is stare in high hopes,
    that the snow will help me.

    It's brisk, my feelings,
    but it's still painful, to not have what you want most.
    It's cold, my feelings,
    but it's still painful, to forget all that you've been through.

    For myself, I hope to break the icy struggle,
    but I continue to stand by and watch, still.
    The snow begins to fall, and I have no where else to go.
    It's icy, and painful, but my feeling are no longer there.

    It's painful, having these feelings I no longer desire.
    The feelings have no comfort at my side,
    and they will always be lacking strength.
    I will wait until the snow falls again, this year,
    to ask myself what I want most in life.

    My feelings soak in despair,
    iced solid, frigid from fragile movement;
    in seconds, I could break and shatter into pieces, and
    It stings, blistering every inch and covers me completely.
    I don't understand how cold, and heartless, they can be.

    It's painful, having these feelings I've confined myself with.
    These feelings, I can now take them under wings and soar,
    but they will always be lacking in honesty.
    I will no longer wait until the snow falls, next year,
    to ask myself what I wanted in life all along.
    It was right in front of me.