• I don't know why I'm lying here tonight....this was the day...when it was bad...but then you tell me your going to leave and commite sucide....I couldnt stand to be alone.....so if you leave me...every night I'll just start fading away.
    I loved you so much..and gave you all I could and all the love I had for you...but it was never good enough....Why did all this have to happen...I LOVED YOU...and you left me...i made my mistakes and I got nowhere to run...I'm Sick of my life...I just wanna Scream..nobody and no one can help me heal this scars...I just...want you back in my life...My heart has been broken....for the last time and as these tears run down my face...I..just...feel like no one wants or needs me in their life at all...maybe I should go off and die somewhere no one could or would find me....I just want to know...Why did this have to happen to me