• There was once a girl who had everything,
    From vogue gowns to luminous diamond rings.
    Her beauty and grace was one of a kind,
    In addition to that her literate mind.
    Every time she walks down the street,
    There was something her eyes would always meet,
    It's a shop where a violin lay asleep,
    Bringing her thoughts to the deep.
    Penetrating inside of her is a musical soul,
    The longing for she couldn't control,
    Against her parent's will she broke,
    She got the instrument and played in different strokes.
    She played every morning until night,
    In her room where the moon shined so bright,
    the aria from it was so lofty to hear,
    It tucks anyone to sleep as it reaches their ears.
    One day as she awoke from slumber,
    Something was missing that led her to anger,
    The violin she loved with all her life,
    Has gone missing and out of sight
    She ran through the halls of her house,
    Through rooms to the home of a mouse,
    Not a single string of the violin was there,
    This painted her face with despair.
    The girl locked up herself in her room all day,
    Not a new violin could ease her dismay,
    She tried to start a song but it sounded dead,
    It was a sonata mozart could have dread.
    Darkness came and she started to cry,
    Later it was silent and calm as the night sky,
    Unexpectedly a chair from upstairs uttered a noise,
    They ran to her room and to their shock they had no voice.
    There she hanged on the ceiling aloft,
    Eyes were closed and face so gentle and soft. A note said to them:"On my grave make it peaceful with a dove", "To ease my pain because i died of music with love".