• Hand held out
    Heart open
    The door is closed
    I can not see the sun
    But I still have hope

    Feet on the ground
    Facing forward
    The path is faded
    I try to see it with blinded eyes
    But I will not give up

    Hanging on the edge
    Holding on faintly
    The ground has fallen
    My strength is giving out
    I can’t fall now

    Faces above
    False lies laughing at me
    The sky is too high for me to breath
    My life flashes before me, all a lie
    I can’t give in now

    Hand slips
    Heart beat quickens
    The world is gone
    I see the light, it is not the sun though
    How can I see the light?

    Fingers touch
    Feeling gone
    The falling has stopped
    I can hear a faint heart beat
    How can I be rejected?

    Lifted up
    Light floods my vision
    The sun in gone
    I see shapeless forms
    Have I been saved?

    With open eyes I see them
    All the people that love me
    Every one of them has saved me
    Without them I would have been
    swallowed by darkness

    The light I see is not the sun
    But the love they have for me
    That light has lit my way
    I am not a beast any longer
    The beast is now tamed by their devotion

    Without them the beast would have came out
    They suppress what I would have become
    I see no sun but I see the moon
    The soft light is their love
    Those that would have made me a beast are the sun