• Call me a princess if you will...

    I had a tower, and it was nearly finished.

    Pacing around the tower, I figured out what I needed. A turret. The tower was simply too plain.

    As I was walking through town, I found a wonderful tower with the most beautiful turret attached to the side.

    I wanted it.

    So I pulled and I tugged and the turret came free. I went back to my own tower and had it put on the side.

    I visited that turret everyday. It was the best part of my tower, and I never wanted to leave it.

    Until one day, my turret, my love, came crashing to the ground.

    It took the rest of my tower with it, leaving me with nothing.

    So now I spend my days gathering the pieces of my tower, hoping to rebuild it with more stability than ever before.

    It may take a while, but one day, my tower will be the envy of society.

    My love, I pity you.