• We are the slit wrists

    The ropes and the noose

    We are lynched

    Our guts hanging loose.


    We are the victims

    Of rape and abuse

    We’re six years old

    Yet still we’re seduced.


    We are the old

    The fragile, the weak

    Yet still we are stabbed

    For the coins we did keep.


    We are the women

    Who were hit so hard

    Our wombs were destroyed

    Our emotions were scarred.


    We are the couple

    Who were both male

    Yet we were shunned

    And our love fell stale.


    We are the hurt

    The people without hope

    Our lives are over

    Ours necks are to rope.


    We are the murdered

    We are the killed

    We are the dead

    We are The Chilled.