• The Shadows of my past
    hiding within the darkness
    please don't let them in
    show me you love me
    show me you care

    but please what ever you do
    don't let the shadows come in again
    their tight grip upon my soul
    wanting me to go back to that hole
    leaving me for dead

    I don't want to be numb
    I don't want to die
    I don't want to live alone
    I don't want to feel alone
    I don't want to grow old
    I don't want to let go

    Please i know you love me
    I know you care
    but please
    don't let the shadows come in

    they will hurt me
    they will confuse me
    they will misguide me
    they will lie to me

    The shadows of my past haunt me everyday
    It is your light that they fear
    your pureness
    your faith
    your love for me
    that keeps them at bay

    I love you
    Please say that you love me too