• My heart beats faster
    its a crushing disaster
    My heart seems frail
    broken into pieces
    your love was soild pure
    white as snow
    clear as can be
    In the end it disapeared
    along with me

    Everyday my heart aces
    wishing to repent for my mistakes
    to much was tooken from me
    In the end you were the one for me
    If only i could turn back time
    make this heartace rewind
    to show you all our memories
    all the love i had inside of me
    In the end you went away from me

    How can i get you to come back to me
    you wont even look at me
    no more chances is what you say
    that i pushed you away
    but im not all to blame
    it takes two
    for love to take place
    ur decision is final
    my time with you is done
    In the end
    You will only be my desire.