• Lust. Warmth. Desire.
    Where can you get these things
    When no one is there
    A parents hug heats these things
    The love for spouse is unimaginable

    Lust. Warmth. Desire.
    Where can you get these things
    When no one is there
    A social person has so much warmth from friends all around
    Others like I barely feel it

    Talk, talk, talk that's all I hear is talk
    Not how are you and what's happin'
    Just talk, talk, talk
    I'm in my own world
    Having little to say to the topic
    They are aso close while I'm so far
    Fading in the distance on the pale wall

    Lust. Warmth. Desire.
    I want a touch to warm me up
    Someone to talk to and release these tears that no one sees
    Why should I hide from them
    The noes that talk
    Even with a depressing face
    They wouldn't care

    Lust. Warmth. Desire.
    The desire for a touch is needed
    The sensation that lovers like some have
    The desire to know and have
    To stop talking to my cat

    Lust. Warmth. Desire.
    Warmth has been taken
    I dreamt of us together
    Living forever
    But at last
    That is not possible

    Is this Gods Fault or just life
    How could they take that away?
    Because I'm different?

    Lust. Warmth. Desire.
    Lust has appeared and it looks just like Warmth
    I wonder if we'll last; You and I
    Or will I lose you to other desires
    My form should like you so nothing will go wrong

    To others these words never cross their minds...
    They're surrounded by it
    These words lust, warmth, desire
    Mean so much to me
    However these words are powerful
    They make me seem pathetic