• People endlessly tell me i can talk to them.
    But how?
    I start and they fade to darkness
    Not every one can stay bottled up for 15 years
    Too much slince.
    Too much fakeness.
    Too much bullshit.
    Every one has a sholder to cry on ...
    but not me....
    every one has gone home..
    to leave me linger in the dark.....
    now i hide.... a freak....
    a monster.....
    all becouse i snaped once.... and it was a little snap.
    so im nice for 15 ******** years and now it means s**t....
    well buebye.....
    i gess no one will miss me....
    death must bepeacefull.....
    i wonder if i can still dream of the one thing i want.....