• I am not a big fan of religion.
    I know, I'm going to hell.

    This week in Contemporary Worlds 2, we were made to watch this video, about religion and fundamentalists.
    Oh my god, I tell you, they are like...crazy.
    Everything that happens, is due to the workings of god.
    Iran got rid of their king? and was later ruled by a head priest aka Imam. they rid their country of all westernization (aka sinful things) and lived their lives as fundamentalist Muslim's. America, also when through a phase of Christianizing their country. If I had to live in a world, where it was run by a religion, I would kill myself.

    After watching the show, I started thinking. What exactly is religion? Is it a belief, a community or a cult?
    Group mentality is a very dangerous thing.
    You've seen sheep right? one sheep turns right the whole herd turns right.
    Its the same concept with group mentality. One person believes in god so much, they nail the message into the audience's head. Next thing you know, you have a whole group of crazy people- yelling, screaming and crying, claiming that god is amongst them.

    Now, I don't hate god. Im just very, very skeptical about him. Religion is supposed to make you feel at peace. Prayers are supposed to make you feel serene and clam. But, now a days, it seems religion- especially Islam- sparks a note of anger in everyone. You say one thing wrong to a Christian, your ********. In fact, your so screwed, that they'll recite the whole bible to you. There really is no point in arguing with them, their stubborn hard headed people (maybe not all, I'm just relating it to my mum).
    So much for calmness.

    Another thing about god, has anyone ever seen him?
    what is it?
    who is it?
    For all we know, prophets, who were ace story tellers, might have started god out as a fable. a story that got brought down from generation to generations.
    God is them used as a rope to hang on to keep one sane.
    Afterall, everyone needs a rope to hang on to. Someone to blame, confide in, and dangle their dreams on.

    Funny, I was brought up a Christian, lived a Christian life, yet, I've come out so cynical about religion and its atmosphere.

    I'm sorry if I have offended anyone who reads this. Religion is a touchy subject, and in todays' world, its the only thing people hold on to.
    That much is understandable.
    But how much belief in religion is actually too much?