• About noon on a saturday in summer i was over at my cousins house when everything felt very uncomfortable. As my cousin walked outside i suddenly got a chill from the area behind me. At the time i was six so i didnt really understand the phrase " curiosity killed the cat". But soon i was going to. As i turned i saw a door a white door at the end of the hall that was never there before be there. I slowly walked down the hall with a shiver through my back every step i took. As i slowly opened the door my fear rose. I looked out of one window on one side with a mirror on the other wall. As i walked in the room i started to stare out the window. As i looked i noticed a person that i am still not sure of what sex in a black coat and cowboy hat over there face. As i stared there was a sudden CRASH!!!!. behind me i turned and the mirror was broken but still on the wall. As i ran out of the room i didnt scream i just ran. As i got my cousin to show him the door was gone. As i asked if anyone was out there they all answered. No.