• A she-wolf was pregnant. She was the only one of her kind as the father was a human. She was a wolf that can turn to a human hiding her true form. She was the strongest of her kind and the only one that can change everything. She was giving birth to hybrids, wolf/human breeds. Her parents might have been human, but she end up with the right gene, that she was chosen. She gave birth to two pups, a male with white fur. He represented the lightness in her, and then a female with black fur. She represented her darkness. The female wolf was black coated and to her, the father was lightness. She licked the top of their heads. She was in the edge of a forest near her home. She hear her mate call her “pup where are you?” he has called her that ever since they have been young and in love. She lifted her head as she heard him coming toward her and her pups. She growled, protecting her pups. He might be the father but he was still a mortal, to her. He heard the growling and leaned toward her. He saw her curled up in a ball. She started to show her fangs and growled louder. He only leaned closer to her and said “What’s wrong? Are you ok?” she growled at him and used kelting to talk to him. “Back off Miguel!” he stepped back and her growl creased. She lifted her tail reviling their wolf pups. They were already growing fast. They can already open their eyes. Miguel smiled “this is great Hellen!” she growled “No it is not! Their hybrids!” she put her tail back down and showed her fangs. Miguel got up and sat next to her. He pulled her tail gently away to see his children. “They’re beautiful… like you” she looked up at him and said “I want to name them” she gave a smile and Miguel nodded. “Their names should be KIba and Blue. The black one Blue and the white one KIba” he smiled at her. She smiled back and got up. She graved KIba by his scuff and said “get Blue will you” she carried him to the inside of the house. Miguel followed over and placed Blue next to Hellen and KIba. “I have to stay wolf form, if anyone comes over say that we are your dogs, ok?” he nodded and said “I understand” then in a nick of time someone did nock. They were banging the door like if there was no tomorrow. Hellen got up and started to bark. Miguel walk toward the door and opened it. The moment he opened the door he got punched in the stomach. Hellen’s eyes widened she growled and showed her fangs. It wasn’t a mortal; they were vampires and werewolves, one of each. She stood in front of her pups protecting them. If she has to, she would fight till she dies. She recognized their scents. It was Hector and Brisa, her worst enemies in her life. They were her friends but now her worst nightmare. Brisa pulled out a chain and swung it around. Hellen pushed her pups behind the sofa. She hid them, so the others may not find them. Brisa smacked Hellen’s face with the chains. She fell on the ground, but got back up. She was cornered and doubled teamed. Hector turned to his wolf form and bit Hellen’s front leg, pulling it to make her fall. The moment she fell, Brisa chained Hellen. Her muzzle and neck was chained. She tried to break it but realized that it was The Chains of Ora. They were unbreakable to supernatural beings. Brisa tugged on the chain pulling Hellen away from her home and family. She pulled back but Hector bit her hinged leg where she pulled back. She stopped fighting and looked back, seeing Miguel get back up and her pups hidden. She somehow knew that she would never see her children ever again. She left with Hector and Brisa. Miguel struggled to his feet and walked toward the door. “Hellen…” a tear went down his face. Then he heard whimpering from the sofa. He walked over to the sofa and saw his children. Then another nock came at the door. Someone walked in and saw Miguel petting his children. “Where is she?1?” “She is gone, Red” Miguel can recognize his voice. Red started to yell “I told her that you stupid mortal would never protect her! How can you let this happen” he then saw the pups and kneed down. He was shocked at the pups and then turned to wolf form. He let out a howl and a brown wolf pup appeared. She was only 2 moons old. Miguel looked at the pup then at his. Red then said “Mortal where did they take her?!?” Miguel snapped at him “don’t call me that!” he was mad the he couldn’t protect the one he loved. Red pushed him to the wall and said “where did they take her!” “I don’t know! All I know is that my own children won’t have a mother!” Red stepped back and looked at his own daughter. “My daughter has no mother and she named her. Her name is Miya. “Miya looked at Miguel and then at Blue and KIba. Miguel nodded and said “I will raise them, but you need to help me out Red” Red laughed and nodded. Red was the only wolf he knew of and was Hellen’s old mate. His pups opened their eyes and knew what has happened. KIba got up to his feet and growled. He started to show his fangs. Then he smiled and curled next to Blue. This was just the begging of their story.
    Chapter 1- Life
    It has been 15 years since Blue and KIba seen their mother. They both played with each other and with Miya. KIba looked over at his father and said “I’m living, dad” Miguel looked at him and said “What!” then Blue jumped in the conversation “Me and Miya made a human friend, were going to see him” Miguel looked at Blue “Him?” she nodded and said “Later dad” she left before he can say a word. Then he turned toward KIba “I’m coming with you, where are you off to?” KIba looked at the ground and said “To find mother” Miguel’s eyes widened. KIba got up and said “tell Miya to take care of Blue, ok?” Miguel said “I’m coming with, whether you like it or not” KIba shook his head and ran out the door. Miguel ran after him but was to slow to follow KIba. Mean while Mia and Blue were hanging out with a human named Edger. He was strong and handsome. He was only a year older than both of them. They were both 15 in human years but at that minute when they met him. They were in wolf form. He gave them a hot dog each. Miya haven’t seen her father for years and Blue didn’t really hang out with hers. Blue was sitting next to Edger. Before she knew hit he put a collar on her, “I should call you Blue, because of your eyes. Their beautiful girl” he smiled. She shook her head and licked his face. Miya barked at her. Edger didn’t understand what they were saying. “Your dad is ganna kill you! Have you forgotten your human half! You’re not a dog!” “Now I’m, I won’t go back to my father.” Blue growled at Miya and showed her fangs. “Tell me Blue, do you like wolves?” his eyes narrowed on Miya. Blue responded with a growl at Miya. He smiled and put a leash on her. “I won’t stop till I kill every last one of them for what they did to me. Come on Blue lets go to the next town.” Blue walked away with Edger without looking back. Miya then made a run for it and bolted to the streets. Dogs were barking at her and growling. Miguel was off to find KIba and Blue, but he knew they have moved on. He had made it to the next town and rested there for a while. Red was hanging out with a pack of humans. He was the leader of the mortal pack. They have all gone their separate ways.
    It had been a year since they seen each other, all their separate ways. Blue walked next to Edger and sniffed the ground. She growled and saw her brother, KIba. She didn’t care though. She was happy with Edger. She growled and Edger pulled out a rifle. KIba started to growl and stood his ground. Edger let go off the leash and Blue charged at KIba. She jumped up and the moment she jumped, Edger pulled the trigger making KIba slam onto the ground. Blue went back to Edger at his side. He patted her head and smiled “Good girl” then people from the government came and got KIba. “Hey what are you guys doing that is a wolf!” they looked at him and one of the men said “all wolves were killed long ago, don’t be silly child!’” Edger was taken to an office of the government. “Why would you shot a dog in public, sir?” Edger said “You got to kill them all. There are wolves; you’re just under some spell!” They didn’t believe Edger and said to leave. Blue and Edger were about to leave but turned back. Blue looked at the building sensing a scent so familiar. Then they turned and left. KIba was put inside a cage. He heard people talking about him being a large dog or something.
    Chapter two- long time no see
    KIba opened his eyes and saw a brown wolf in front of his cage. “I never seen one of us get taken this badly” he gave a smile. He turned to human form. “Why discard what you are, by becoming human” he paused and said “Have you given away your pride!” The brown wolf shook his head and said “I’m a mortal my boy, only half wolf. I turned into on a year ago. Having pride doesn’t matter if you’re dead.” KIba looked at him and started to bit the bars of the cage. The brown wolf looked at KIba breaking the bars with his fangs. KIba split the bar and got out. “Come on I know the way out” the brown wolf turned to a human and so did KIba, for the first time in his life. They both exit the building and left to the streets. They walked past people and the brown wolf got the scent of hot dogs. He sniffed them and then turned away. “Names, Miguel by the way” he walked in front of KIba and sat on a staircase. He tossed him a hotdog and said “Here eat up; it’s the best you can get around here. So what’s your name?” KIba caught the hot dog and ate it “My name is KIba. You remind me of someone I once knew.” He turned toward the building they left. “I’m going back” KIba said. “Are you crazy? We had to foul them to get out” “I know that, but something is in there. Something that makes me want to go back there.” He looked at building and said “See you around” he waved his hand and left. Miguel looked at him and said to himself “Try to give a guy advice, see if I care”
    Miya was in the same town as them but never caught up with them. She looked around the street and saw garbage cans. There were cats and ravens around it. She charged at them attempting to bite them, but one of the raven pocked her nose. She stepped back and slammed into a cat. She turned back and ran hiding behind a box. She heard footsteps and saw a human girl that dropped a potato. She walked over to eat it but the human girl came back to get it. The girl looked at Miya and said “Here you go they taste much better” she held out sausages. Miya lowered her ears and the girl said “come on you can have them” Miya walked over to her and sniffed the sausages. “Don’t worry their not poisonous or anything” she bit the sausages “see its fine” Miya ate them and licked her hand. Then put her head on her hand. “bye now” Miya followed a bit. “No stay even if I take you home, I couldn’t keep you.” Miya sat down and started at the girl living.
    Edger and blue were in front of a bar. “Listen up Blue; I know you can understand me. You can’t let them get away, wolves are evil. They’ll kill you if they get the chance. Right now there out there, breathing there demon breathe. Blue was leading Edger to an ally. She had the scent of a wolf. She started to growl and it was Miya and Red. Edger was trailing behind Blue. Red jumped up and Miya was frozen in fear. Edger aimed his rifle at Miya, and then Red jumped down and hit his rifle. Blue almost bit his leg. “Jump!” “Huh?” “Hurry up!” “I was getting ready to!” she jumped up on top of the building next to them. Red followed after. Blue and Edger both looked up. “Those were wolves, I finally found them.” Red walked on the roof top and Miya was following him. “Who the heck was that? And what’s up with his dog?” “I have no idea.” “You’re Red right? I never meet another wolf but myself. I heard that a wolf in this town that made friends with humans. They say you run wild with them.” “You heard wrong, I have no friends.” “My name Miya, you know what I been living with humans too…” “Just get lost! Will you, am started to get annoyed and that only happens when I’m with morons” “but can’t I come with you?” “No!” Miya stopped and left. Red turned around and didn’t see Miya anymore.
    KIba was inside a jail cell, inside the building. He was sitting against the wall. He then saw Miguel walk in “yo” Miguel walked next KIba and sat down. “Miguel what in the world, are you doing in here?” “Come on, were friends now aren’t we.” “Coming from you it sounds, kind of fishy” Miguel smiled and both waited till night fall.