• He stood in the shadows, watching the flames as they licked the burning woman's flesh.
    As she shouted painful screams. God, it was music to his ears. Shamefully, but not for him, he enjoyed her cries of vengeance as they were drowned in the crowds yells. He turned his back to the sight as her last few cries died out and all left was her burning corpse. His job was one he loved and wouldn't trade it for the world, true, he wanted the world, but not that much. A gruesome job it was, most couldn't handle it, but that's what made him love it more so. He was the devil incarnate, and Augustine was his name. Augustine was tall, slender, and slightly broad in the arms and shoulders, his dark green eyes could pierce any soul, and his dark blonde
    almost brunette hair was tied back, only making it down to the bottom of his neck. His skin clung to the boney and masculine features in his face, making him look dark, truly male, and dangerously beautiful. To top off his shady look was of something foreign to this century, he wore a black suit, slacks and all, his shoes polished like brand new though they could've been older than the century itself, a cane with a skull to decorate its top, and a black Fedora hat to throw it all together. He would truly look devishly handsome, so handsome it should've been a sin.
    Augustine's grin broadened as he spoke calmly to himself "Yes, Audrey, my sweet child, you will be back", then he disappeared into the dark night.

    Chapter 1: A Witch
    Years passed by and Augustine had changed very little within that time, but the village and the people residing in it had changed greatly over that time. Including the Boravardez family and there new baby girl, Atreyu. She was born of a powerful line, but for the next eight years it remained a secret, to the town, her family, and Atreyu herself. Hell, Augustine had even over-looked her capabilities, my capabilities, until a fateful day on my sixth birthday; I could no longer handle my temper with a group of girls at my school.
    "Heeeeeeeeey, Atreyu....how's that low life father of yours?" a girl, Brandy asked. Her father had more money than God, was popular, and I was nothing but poverty, lucky to even be alive. The other girls, her friends I guess, all about age ten to eleven years helped her taunt me daily. Usually I'd cry and run home, but today, it just angered me. So I whipped around angrily and yelled "WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH, YOU, YOU.....WENCH!” It suddenly went silent, then the next thing I knew I was on the ground, rolling around in the dirt with Brandy on top of me. She began hitting me over and over and over, until the pain was almost numbing, then I reached up and hit her, I don't remember where, but then she was lying limp next to me. I felt my breath quicken when one of the girls screamed "OH MY GOD, SHES DEAD!!!” I got up as fast as I could and tried to make a break for it only for someone to grab me. A deep male voice asked me “What have you done here girl?". I kept struggling, unsure of what I had really done. “She killed Brandy!" one girl yelled, the other glared at me and cursed me with three words that would haunt me the rest of my days, and said "ATREYUS' A WITCH!". I cried out "NO!" over and over, hoping someone was lying, or that it was a bad dream, I kept screaming my defense until I fell unconscious, either from lack of air or just all the hits I'd received to my head.
    I woke up, probably hours later with my mother sitting at my side. "SEAN, SEAN DEAR, SHES AWAKE!" my mother called as my father came rushing through the door. "A...Atreyu" he whispered, trying to catch his breath. "Is everything well with you?" he asked, I nodded, unable to remember my tongue at the moment. Then my mother spoke, "Atreyu, honey...What happened today?” I'd finally found my tongue but was still to afraid to use it, so I shrugged my shoulders helplessly. My mother then raised her voice, which she rarely did, "Atreyu ...There was a dead girl outside today...and you were involved, I don't want you to shrug your shoulders at me, I want you to tell me what happened!" I felt tears began to form and pool in my eyes. My father then sighed, "Obviously she's just as clueless Cara, leave her be and let her rest" he said gently but my mother shook her head and grabbed my shoulders “Why are they calling my baby a witch! WHY!!!" she yelled, I knew at me, so I forced her arms off me and ran for it. I heard them call after me but I kept running. I ran till I couldn't run any longer, but when I looked up I was at awe by the sight I saw. Astoria's forest, something so magnificent, especially in the night. It was forbidden to enter unless you had a traveling partner and you went through at day. Truthfully though, I didn't care for the moment, so I entered it at my own risk. I stared at the marvelous work of art before me, the trees were so beautiful, and I quickly wiped the dried tears from my eyes and went deeper, until a soft sound entered my ears. It sounded like music so I quickly walked ahead into a beautiful, small clearing, where a tall, dark, mysterious man looked up and smiled at me. I should've known to run then, but I was captivated by the way he looked at me so I moved forward, unaware of the danger ahead. "My, my, you put on quite a show today child, may I ask your name?" he whispered. I nodded...then quickly shook my head to help my self out of my daze. "Atreyu......My name...is Atreyu" I answered embarrassedly, from far he was dark and mysterious, but up close he was, so, handsome. "Ahhh....Atreyu, from Astoria village, am I correct?” I nodded quickly, feeling shyer than I had towards any stranger. He walked up close to me and then knelt down before me, and I felt myself gasp at his closeness, "Atreyu, do you know what happened today, or what you did?" he whispered. I thought, question was simple enough, but when I opened my mouth to answer, I realized I didn't even know so I shook my head. He chuckled at me before pulling me painfully close “Oh, sweet Atreyu, you killed that poor innocent girl" he hissed at me and I yelled "NO YOUR WRONG I DIDN'T". He quickly tried to shush me and when I finally settled he spoke again, more evil in his tone than before " Oh yes you did my sweet, sweet Atreyu, you killed her, you sought your revenge and it came to you in a powerful blow, you killed her, and do you know why?". I shook my head slowly, too scared to move quickly as the tears spilt down my face. "Its because, your a witch Atreyu......My witch, you were always mine....my sweet child" he said coolly, but it was enough to upset me. I began to struggle and scream again "NO, NO ITS NOT TRUE, ITS NOT!!!!" my cries were futile but I continued. When I finally stopped he was no longer there, I look around quickly but he was no where to be found. I think it might have been the shock of it all, but whatever it was, I fainted.

    Chapter 2:Smoke

    I woke up the next moring, my head throbbing miserably with pain. My eyes swarmed over the dark room in a frenzied panic while trying to firgure out where I was. "Home" the thought came loud and true. YES!, I was home, last night, Brandy...It all never happened...right? Sitting upright, I waited for a moment, listening to the soft rustling sound in the floor beneath me. I bolted out of my cot and down the stairs then, into the kitchen where mother was making morning breakfast. "Morning Mamma!" I yelled, quickly announcing my presence as I entered the quiet room. Cara jumped with a start before spinning to meet her daughters expectant gaze.
    "ATREYU!, you gave me quite a scare" she cried. "Sorry mom, I didn't mean anything by it, but breakfast smells swell" I said, looking about the old room, stopping on the light, soft Oak cupboards. Then the cherry wood counters that were decorated by the left over bits of food not going into the morning meal. I stepped lightly, approaching the Cherry Oak table my father, Sean, had handcarved all by himself. It was plain, but beautiful and elegant in its own way. It gave the mediocre kitchen a kind of classy look. The walls, peeling from years of wear and tear, stood strong like they had when the house had first been built. The floor beneath me creaked as I removed myself from it, taking my place at the table. The chair beneath my form was carved exactly for me, my name was even carved into the very support of the chairs frame. My mother put a rusty old cup full of goats milk infront of me, followed by a chipped glass plate of eggs and over-cooked bacon. She then sighed sadly. Mom had never been a rich woman, and pa had never had much money of his own either. They could never afford anything fancy for me, but they just didn't understand I would never complain, their love..this home...just surviving, all of it had been enough. She knew what her mother was thinking then..."Mom" I whispered, barely audible, but enough to tear her from her thoughts. "Yes child" Cara whispered indifferently, trying to fight a sudden tremble, building in her voice. "Yesterday...it..well, I mean...It never happened, right?" I asked hopefully. My mom winced then before dropping her head, "Atreyu, honey...Don't believe such nonsense is your fault. Accidents happen."
    I tensed up immediatly then, the man from the night before replaying in my head. I suddenly felt ill as my body began to tremble and tears pooled into my large hazel eyes. 'Atreyu' came a whispered thought into my head. I froze, my whole body becoming tense and my eyes becoming wide as I quickly realized my mouthers mouth was moving, but nothing was coming out. Suddenly, Dad came running into the kitchen with a wild look in his dark brown eyes, grabbing her mouthers frail shoulders and shaking her a bit too violently. He was yelling and her mother as tears filled her frantic amber eyes. Trying to speak, wanting to ask what was happening when suddenly the voice came again, "Atreyu, soon....Very soon you shall be mine...Soon we shall be...together". I shook my head and looked up to one of the kitchen windows, decorated with a cheap cotton lace for added decency to the plain room. The curtains swayed in as a large, smokey grey cat with his dark piercing green eyes jumped into the room. The cat watched me then, just sitting there contently, watching me. The I heard a noise, a loud cracking sound. Just as I looked up, rocks began coming through the window, and smashing against the house. The sudden smell of somthing burning, like wood, caught her attention as her fathers raging voice finally reached her deafened ears. "They're gonna burn down the house Cara!,they think our baby is a witch, AND THEY WANT US TO GO DOWN IN THE FIRE!!!". I could hear my mothers voice again as her frantic cries filled the air, "Why are they trying to burn an innocent child, HOW CAN THEY THROW ROCKS AT MY BABY!". The cat suddenly jumped onto the counter top and sat there, as if knowing nothing to be wrong. Sitting there, as if no one else could see him. My head snapped up at a sudden jolt of pain in my right arm to meet my mothers wild gaze. She then pulled my from my chair and dragged me to the corner of the kitchen where she ripped up an old dusty, ripped rug and pulled open the trap door hidden beneath. I coughed as I was dragged down a large flight of stairs then, and when I decided they'd probably never end, they did. The room was dark, cold, damp, and smelt very strange. "Mom" I coughed, "Where are we?", "The basement honey, The basement" she answered. "Everythings gonna be just fine, mommy promises". Then an opening, probably another trap door, was found and my mom pushed me into it. I tried to scream but fell into a large quantity of water. The water filled my mouth all to quickly then and I went under. The last sound I heard was the trap door slamming shut. Everything suddenly went black, darker even, as I disapeared into a meaningless unconsience abyss as the murky water consumed me.

    Thats when the voice came again, as if the person speaking the words were right beside me, in the deep, dark, cold, watery abyss. 'Atreyu, you do not remember me, do you?, Ah, but yes, I remember you, You will survive, for I have great plans for you. We shall be together, you and I. You are mine, you were always mine. Do you remeber...I needed to know, so long ago...I need to know now. What is it that your little human heart desires? I must know now. Tell me!, Tell me and we shall unlock your power together. YOU MUST TELL ME ATREYU!, so your power.....shall have, zero limits. You WILL be mine, you cannot fight me, no more than you can fight fate. You know who I am, little Audrey, shall I tell you who I am?, I am........................."
    My eyes fluttered open and I began to cough fiercly before rolling over onto my back and staring into the starry night sky. I looked a bit left, up the river, to see a large form of smoke clouds rising into the dark night. My eyes became blurry with tears and quickly I rolled my head lazily to the right and gasped. The same smokey cat was sitting next to her face, then suddenly, layed himself into the crook of her neck, a loud purring escaping him before he fell asleep. The last thing I heard and felt was the water rushing beneath my frozen feet. Conscieness eluded me and all to soon sleep over-came me.

    Chapter 3: Augustine

    My eyes opened in a start from a startled 'mew' sound. I whipped my head right just in time to see the furry feline run off. Thinking It saw somthing, I turned my head back to the left, seeing nothing but the shadows that surrounded me. I grunted as I pulled myself from the ground, taking off after the upset cat. My feet echoed off the trees, throughout the forest. My voice was becoming scratchy from yelling for the young cat, "SMOKEY, SMOKEY, KITTY KITTY. COME BACK!". I continued running until I ran straight into a bright clearing. It looked so familiar, I had to stop and gaze in wonder. 'That man, I saw him here the night before' utter confusion lacing my thoughts. I felt myself gasping for fresh air, my lungs feeling like a time bomb. After catching my breath, I slowly dragged my useless feet to a fallen tree near the far left of the opening. I took a seat there immediatly. Looking around, I noticed how beautiful and quiet the place was, so peaceful. The sun shined brightly through the clearing at the top of the trees, it was beautiful the way the dark green oak and fir trees swayed so gently in the wind. I then slowly ran my feet through the soft, fresh, green, lush grass. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. I loved it here, I thought to myself, 'This place, its so...peaceful, I think I could definitely like this place". Tears soon filled my eyes and down my pudgy, red childish cheeks. I wiped madly at them but only began to cry harder with the realization that hit me. I had no idea what happened to my parents, my home, now the only friend I had, Smokey the cat, had abandoned me without warning. The misery I felt began to creep up and consume me, making me cry harder at the agony in my heart. My heart felt like it was pounding so hard that it should have fallen right through my chest, but the most painful part was that it just wouldn't fall out. My silent cries fells upon the trees and their deaf ears. The world just continued to spin like nothing was wrong, nothing in the world cared for my pain. My hurt. A sudden just of wind jarred me from my thoughts. I looked up to see a dark, blackish fog invade the bright, peaceful clearing. My whole body grew tense and anxious as I scooted back up against a tree behind the fallen log. The shadow then began to take on a form, and ever so slowly, into a man. I sucked my breath in quick, recognizing him at once. The mans eyes opened in a startling fast fashion at the sound of my gasp. It was him, that man...the man who had said I was his...a witch. "Who...Who are you" I asked, realizing my voice didnt come out as sternly as I had planned. "Little Atreyu" he whispered, a sudden grin brightening his features "My name is Augustine and I believe", he held up a frightened smoke-grey cat, "That this annoying creature belongs to you." Augustine held the cat out by the nape of its neck. "Smokey!" I cried as I stood up and rushed over to the large cat. I ripped it out of the mans..this Augustines, arms and embraced it close to my chest. "Atreyu. your family perished in the flames your mother so hurriedly helped you escape from." My face paled and tears filled my eyes at the news, "And Papa?" I asked, already terrified of the answer to come. "He perished as well" Augustine said slowly, gently. I glared at him, hoping he felt even a smidge threatened, "Why are you here?, Leave me alone!" I yelled at him, feeling a sudden anger at his calmness towards the passing of my family. Augustine stayed put, staring at me for a moment before laying his hand gently on my head, slowly running it through my long auburn locks. "Child, where ever do you plan to go, exactly?" he asked, "You simply cannot just go home, and the village believes you of witchcraft." He suddenly pulled my scared, trembling form against his strong, slender one. "You have no where to go, and other than the wretched beast you so desperately embrace, I'm the only companion you may have for a time, and you eargerly push me away?" he murmered as I lifted my teary green eyes to meet his expectant gaze. "You would...take me with you...of course?" my voice trembled as I prepared myself for the rejection. "I mean, you cannot just as simply leave me here...can you?".
    Immediatly, victory filled Augustines piercing eyes as he lifted my fragile form into his powerful arms, he gave my cat an aggitated glance before a sigh escaped his lips and he said, "Hold onto me, understand?, Don't worry, I'm going to take good care of you, Atreyu." Slowly, both their forms took on a dark, transparent like image that soon diminished into the shadows surrounding them. Once again, the mass of the dark atmosphere vanished in thin air. My memories would be the only things left behind, and only a very un-forseen future with this mysterious man, Augustine, could be predicted.

    Chapter 4: Sweet 16th.
    The sound of glass shattering somewhere in the near distance rendered the dream that was once a dreadful reality. So many years ago, I couldn't even count at the moment how tediously time had passed since my family's death. The fateful fire that claimed their lives, the years that had dragged by painfully slow since I had been branded a witch. Smokey, old, scenile, sluggishly pushed the ajar door open and walked to my bed. He then sat there starring at me as if he were begging to be lifted up on to the cot. "Lazy cat" I murmered. Augustine warned me not to spoil the creature, now look where it had gotten me. I hastily climbed out of bed and walked slowly to a small vanity set in the far off corner of the room. Picking up an Ivory decorated brush, I then began my morning ritual of brushing out the dreaded mass of tangles that was my hair. I gazed at most of my hair in the mirror, since I very well could not see down to my ankles. My sixteenth birthday was today. Ah, yes, eight years ago today my family faded away and out of my life. Putting the brush down with a bit of force I stared at the majority of hair lying ontop of the dresser. My emerald eyes slowly traveled up my length and down it. I examined myself carefully. I no longer held the look of innocence, the face of a child, but that of a young woman. My cheeks were pinch red as my eyes dropped to my breasts. So much of a change, looking back into the mirror I noticed the large round eyes that stared back. My eyes. My lips were fuller too, giving my face a natural pout. My long, slender neck adding elegance and my small bosom gave away nothing yet everything of my womanhood. Most men seemed to undeniably crave these things in me. The village, full of men and, in my eyes, empty proposals. I denied my suitors, time and time again. My heart belonged to only one man. A man I knew, had always known, that would never, could never return the feeling. A knock jarred me from such thoughts and my head whipped around just as Augustine let himself in. My heart thudded rapidly, my cheeks turning pink. His features had changed so little, his stride towards me as fluid a movement as ever. His hand layed gently upon my shoulder, the other cupping under my chin. "Birthday girl" he whispered in the most smooth, seductive voice. The voice of a serpent. A demon. "Is there anything your heart desires for such a time of celebration?" I quickly shook my head and took a small step back from his touch. His touch always undid my concentration. Picking up the brush I continued to the task of brushing my long hair. Immediatly Augustines features contorted anger and frusteration but he smoothed himself out just as fast. I began braiding my hair back, ignoring his mood swing. "You have been putting this off for eight years nnow my sweet, I only have so much patience" his eyes darkened as the threat of his words filled his voice. I rolled my eyes, it was all to easy to mimic his threatening tone. "Well, I only have so much patience for that stupid question. Might as well give up now while your ahead." His eyes narrowed fiercely and he continued to glare over my shoulder and at my reflection as I played my fingers down along the braid. For a moment or so it was silent, then a frusterated growl came through that perfect mought of his as he stormed gracefully from my room. Ever since he had taken me from Astoria forest, its been the same annoying questions for the past eight years. 'What does your heart desire?' or my favorite, 'What is it you want most?'. Sooner or later i'm gonna wind up telling him that I want him to never ask those stupid questions again. I giggled as I pictured his face puzzled and frusterated at my immaturity. I slowly began untying the strings that held my nightgown in place. The gown then slipped down my figure to puddle at my ankles on the floor. I stepped over it and walked over to my cot and lifted my corset off of the foot of it. I then began the task of applying it to my bosom and tightening it by the draw strings Tying it just fluidly, I walked swiftly to the vanity set and lifted a dark evergreen, velvet dress from the mirror. Slipping it on over my head and tying the ribbon about my waist in the back into a finely made bow. I run my hands down the velvety like texture then back up to trace the line of the dress that just barely covered my breasts. My sleeves hugged all the way to my elbows where they widened and flowed freely from my arms. The dress hid my figure well though, as it widened at my hips and went straight to my ankles. I picked up a pair of black flats I had tossed into a corner the night before and slipped them onto my feet in haste. Looking back to the mirror, I smiled. I felt beautiful. Walking gracefully from the room, smokey following at my heels, I turned and picked up the fat cat. He then made a mew of contentment and I began to scratch his scruffed up neck and behind his ears. His mews soon became wild and uncontrolled purrs. I watched Augustine as much as he watched me while I loved the over fed animal. "It's my birthday you know" I said, toying with the sound of persuasion on my tongue. My thoughts unknown to the man before me. He grimanced before answering, "So where exactly are we going this time?"
    "To Astoria forest of course."
    "Astoria forest? Again?, is there nothing else that can tempt your utterly blank mind?"
    "Why not?" he asked, confusion slowing mixing in with his frusteration."I always wanna go to the beautiful place we first met. Duh!, the place where we found one another." I said with a bit of enthusiasm. His eyes rolled lazily to the side, then shot back quickly to me. He licked his lips then as a low guttural chuckle escaped his mouth. "Atreyu" he whispered with that deep, silky, seductive sound. I took a step back and felt my back bump up against the wall behind me, my face all afluster. "Wait, don't!" I whispered weakly. There was no point in trying to stop him, I was puddy in his hands, to do with whatever he saw fit. "Why?" he asked in a husky voice, "You always complain, but your actions tell me so much more than your words." Thinking about the cat, I quickly dropped him to the floor, he ran back into my room with his tucked up against his body. Augustines smile was cruel and knowing as his form took on that shadowy like form, filling the room with his power and presence. I held my breathe, knowing what was to come. It was quiet then, even mistaken as peaceful for just a moment. Then all that dark force was on me. My body was slammed to the ground with such a force, the darkness about me quickly took back the form of a man as Augustines arms contained my female body against him. His lip sought mine violently as our bodies struggled on the floor for dominance. I could not fight him though. I just decided to stop struggling. Let him have his way as I mindlessly kissed him back. His hands traced my body roughly but not painfully as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Hoping to contain him. A groan escaped his mouth as his body pulled away, becoming dark and transparent like again. He was on the other side of the room then, while I was busying myself gasping for air. I apparently had stopped breathing during his foreplay again. I looked at him as I sat up from the cold wood floor. His face was smug as he snickered in victory. That, and him disapearing the way he did were the only two things I couldn't stand about these games he played. I stood up, quickly brushing down my dress, which had somehow found itself above knee level. I knew I was blushing profusely, as if all the blood in my body had rushed to my head. I glared at him soundlessly as I tried to compose myself. He chuckled then. "Shall we go to you precious little spot?" he sneered at me. I wanted to smack him so badly at that point, but instead, I gave him my most sarcasticly sweet smile and walked up to him. "Shall we go then?" I said, trying to sound un-bothered. His eyes darkened and his nostrils flared as our bodies turned into the dark, the shadows and we disapeared.

    Chapter 5: The Light
    I looked up hesitantly from my copy of the Bibles book of Job to stare at Augustine. "He's so strong, this Job." I said, a gleam in my eyes. Augustines nostriles flared at the name and he pulled the fedora hat down to cover his eyes. "He was a pathetic God follower, he deserved his suffering and torment." Augustine murmered. I laughed sourly at that, "Of course he did" I said with disdain, "If someone doesn't follow you, they deserve the worst of the death penalties." "I love the way he continues to worship God though...The way he talks to him. What a loyal man, this Job. I wish I were as strong and Enduring." I whispered, feeling a slight pang of jealousy. I looked back to Augustine, "Why do you always sit in the shade?, Why don't you sit on the log in the sun with me?" I quickly patted the spot beside me. He lifted his fedora and stared at me incrediously. Then he suddenly stood and glowered, a frusterated sigh escaping his mouth. "I hate the light, don't you get that yet after eight damn years?" he hissed, "But of course you wouldn't, your sucha stupid woman! I am the dark, I am the reason you hides under your covers at night" he growled then. "I am the reason your hair stands straight on the back of your neck when an unfimiliar chill runs down your spine, the reason you scream when someone startles you, or even the reason why people are too afraid to walk home alone in the dark!" I winced at that, "Doesn't sound like you like your job to much". His expression was more startling than his outbreak, his face became tortured but he immediat;y covered it with anger. "I LOVE MY JOB!" he yelled, his tone dark with an unreasonable hatred. I grabbed at his hand without thinking about it. I squeezed it and looked deep into his beautiful green eyes and knew...I just knew somehow knew he was lying. Maybe not about all of it, but part of it. Then I did something niether of us expected. I stood, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him with as much, understanding, kindness, and love I could muster. His hands all too quickly shoved against my shoulders, forcing me to the ground. I stared up at him bewildered. Those beautiful emerald eyes were so suddenly cold as ice. I swallowed hard as I shakily got back to my feet. "You didn't have to shove me" I murmured as I turned away from him and began walking in the opposite direction. "Where the hell are you going?, I did not give you permission to walk away, to leave!" He growled out. I felt his power pushing determinedly against my back. I continued to walk away from him. The power became stronger, more violent. I could feel the heat seeping into my back, growing hotter and hotter with his temper. 'Bring it' was all I could think, all I could feel at that very moment. I knew I had snapped. Realizing I was tired of his sulky or angry attitudes, his quick temper and his torture like seductions. His mind games, his rejection. That stupid annoying question. I was tired of all of it. How had I gone all these years without breaking, or bending backwards only so far as to come back twice as strong and knock him down? Simply enough, I loved this demon. My demon who tormented me and enjoyed it. Who sulked and destroyed every good mood. Who brought my very controlled temper into a raging inferno. I loved him, but Gods did I hate him just as much. If it were even possible, and I even had the strength mentally, physically, could I kill him? No, love was cruel that way, you grew accostomed to their face, their voice. You would slowly decay inside if those things no longer exsisted. I was strong enough to walk away though, wasn't I? The intense burning in my back brought me from my ponderings. The only thing I could think of to spare myself of this intense flame came quickly. I felt my legs mover faster, glide beneath me even, my pace becoming quicker with every stride as I ran from him. I had to get away from the burning, not only in my back but in my veins, my heart, my eyes. I was crying. My hands wiped at the tears helplessly as they kept rolling down my cheeks. The forest I ran through blurring with my speed, with my tears. I knew I was running far faster than human velocity, that I was using the thing I swore to never use, to never let him have. That power consumed my very being and for the first time, I welcomed it. I welcomed the evil I was born with, feeling stronger. I could escape, to use this evil to escape another evil. I laughed through my tears at the irony of it.
    I felt myself slow to a pace. My puffy red eyes looked about me at the strange new place I'd never seen before. Astoria Forest was long behind me. Unsure of where I was, I tread carefully up to a small hut and knelt at the side. Hiding from anyones and everyones view. Laughter swarmed throughout the air, voices sweet like candy. My eyes caught hold of children running around, chasing one another. I looked up to see that lights, lanterns probably, decorated the large village. I watched as adults walked up to stands and played games, walked into bars full of loud music and I felt at peace. The burning in my back had cooled hours ago, I was tired though. My eyes spotted an old inn to the far right of the place. I stood up slowly, brushing any dirt off my dress as I walked to the inn quietly, trying my best to avoid the people. Right as I reached the inn door though, two little girls ran right infront of my path and stopped to stare at me. 'What a fright I must look to them' I thought shamefully.
    Chapter 6:Something New
    Augustines gaze bore into my head as I looked down. His anger was apparent. I didn't need for him to yell or stomp around. Threats with his eyes, the glare on his face. I already knew I was introuble. I'd never pulled a stunt like this. I had no idea what to expect for consequences. I felt my body grow rigid with suspense, even fear to an extent. "Augustine" I whispered, trembling as he approached me. "Do you know what you are costing me?" he growled, "What is happening because you have seperated yourself from my side?!?!". I shook my head, trying not to turn into the whimpering wretch I truly wanted to be at the moment. He might not yell if I cry. "Atreyu, I will get you back, I will punish you for this disobiediance, this insult to me." Then everything was bright, and he vanished like the darkness. Like the shadows, he was gone. I sat up right in a cold sweat. The sun pouring in like liquid gold through the open window. 'Who had pulled my curtains back from the window while I slept?' Rachel came to mind in that moment. Yawning, I layed back down and arched my body up, stretching it for all it was worth. Sitting back up, I slowly slid off the bed and stretched again. I lazily walked over to the window, and laying my hands down against the sill, I leaned over out the window and sighed at the smell of freshly baked bread. My thoughts slowly trailed back to my dream. I knew it was not fear that had created the dream. Not saying I wasn't afraid either. Augustine had joined me in my dreams last night, had sent it to me. Warning me....He didn't know where I was yet, but if he dug deep enough into my memories as I dreamt, he would easily find out. He would be patient, try to make me come to him with idle threats. No, he would come get me if he wanted me. Augustine wouldn't hurt anybody, so long as they didn't get inbetween us. As long as they stayed out of his way. The wood creaked beneath my feet as I switched my weight to my left foot. My birthday dress was completely wrinkled. I lost my slippers running from Augustine. My hair was tangled about my waist, and I needed a bath. I winced then, If I thought I had looked bad the night before, I must look a fright now. Turning around slowly, I saw the room for the first time, weary and distressed I hadn't paid much attention to anything. Now I saw the room for what it truly was. A mouse ran across the floor quickly, as a cockroach ran under the very bed I had slept in. The walls had holes and as I stood in the quiet I could hear scratching in the attic above my head. As I took a step foreward I noticed for the first time that the floor actually squeaked. This was how I grew up, and poverty like this was how I was going to die. A soft knocking on my door brought me from my thoughts. I turned slowly as Rachel stepped in with a tray of steaming hot food. I felt my stomach growl violently and I blushed embarressedly. She giggled softly as she laid the tray on my bed. "You sound pretty hungry Atreyu, When exactly did you eat last?" she asked with honest curiousity. "How well does the answer, I'm not sure, flow?" I said weakly. The food smelled great. Bacon and eggs? I hadn't had that in a while. It was sweet of her to think of me. "Uhm, Rachel? I was wondering if...well, you might have a change of clothes and somewhere I may bathe?" I asked hopefully. Smiling from ear to ear she looked me up and down "Yeah, no problem, I'll run you a bath while you eat your food, the clothes will be in the batheing room." I smiled to her gratefully as she skipped out. I picked up a piece of bacon, popping it into my mouth and sighing. I had died and gone to heaven.

    Picking up the wooden brush Rachel had so kindly loaned me, I began to run it through the damp locks, loosening the tangles. It was hard to brush your hair while it was damp, especially when it trailed to your ankles. The bacon and eggs had been marvellous. The bath warm and relaxing. The outfit went to my knees and had to be tyed shut at the hip. It was an off white and very breezy. She also had loaned me a pair of tan leather boots that went up to my knees. I felt a bit old fashioned but the look was comfortable. Rachel snatched the brush from my hands and began brushing my hair for me. I smiled thankfully at her. It would take hours if I did it alone. "Have you ever thought about cutting it?" she asked. I stared at her like I hand't understood a word she just said. The question had caught me off guard a bit and at first I wasn't sure how to answer. "No, not really, its my crown and glory. Why would I cut it?" I bit at her. I didn't know why, but the very thought of cutting any of my beautiful hair off my head upset me. "I'm sorry, it was none of my buisness. Forgive me" she whispered. I could hear the hint of hurt in her voice and I sighed weakly. "I'm sorry too, I hadn't meant to snap. I don't even know where that came from." I quickly reasured her with my words. She smiled and looked away from me. Her eyes were suddenly suspicious, untrusting even. I winced. I had caused her pain. I hand't meant to do that. "Sorry" I whispered again. Rachel very slowly began a french braid at the top of my head and I winced. I'd braided my hair before, but never french braided it. This was a most painful way to do it, but out of sheer curiousity to what it would look like. I dealt with the pain. After she was finished I stood and twirled in my outfit, my hair swinging around me. I actually liked this look. I appeared different. I hardly looked like myself. I smiled Rachels ear to ear smile at her and giggled with a sudden burst of joy. Even if it was for a little while, I was unrecognizable. I was invisible and a stranger. I could start again here. I could be the normal girl I never got the chance to be. Then I jumped up and down excitedly and spun around the room with my sudden thought. 'Augustine won't recognize me', but there was also a slight stab of pain in my heart. I stopped spinning and smiling and stared at the floor. I'd miss him. I also knew for some odd reason that he'd continue to look, that if I hang around the same place too long, I would endanger the town folk. I looked at Rachel then, and for the first time since finding Augustine after my parents death, I felt a comradship. She was my companion, and I could very well have endangered her. I could spend a few weeks here though, could I not? It would take Augustine some time to find me and by the time he actually arrived here, I'd be gone, wondering, looking for other villages to call home for a time. Rachel was safe, I nodded to myself in an agreement with my thoughts. I just had to leave later. That wouldn't be so bad. Just get my stuff and walk away. "So, Rachel...You were talking about masks or something last night?" I asked hopefully. Anything to spend time with another human. She stared at me for a moment before nodding and grinning "Yeah, we should start looking soon, we don't want the bottom of the rack buys." She hugged me then, which threw me off. I hugged her back gently, unsure. She pulled away then and skipped out of the room. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror before following suit. As we went downstairs I could hear a man talking in low whispers quite rapidly. "Did you see that strange man in the forest today?" he whispered frantically. I peered around the corner and saw the other nod. "Yes, what a strange man indeed, the things he wears, I've never seen anything like them, and his hair is so...feminine, well taken care of" The other man agreed. I noticed then that the first one to speak had been Rachels father, The inn keeper. His forehead wrinkled as if he were thinking hard. I couldn't help myself as I stared at his recieding gray hairline. He shook his head then, "He didn't look friendly at all, but luckily he wasnt' headed our way but more towards the deeper part of the forest." "No sane man would go there alone" the other cut in with a hiss. "He cannot be sane, he looks like a woman yes, I agree, but hes dangerous, you can get that very vibe just looking at him." My stomach tightened and before I could stop myself I walked out from my hiding spot and spoke up "What did this man happen to look like, other than extra ordinarily beautiful" I asked as my stomach flipped in nervous haste. The Inn keeper smiled that toothy old smile again as the other turned to glare at me suspiciously. "Long brownish hair I would assume, masculine features, tall and slender. Why, does he mean anything to you" his voice held a hint of disgust. "No," I answered to quickly. "I just wanted to see if I knew him, maybe to help out your very gossip like conversation, can't talk about someone at best without all the juicy little details" I said sarcastically. Rachel grabbed my arm and quickly pulled me out the door. I didn't understand why I was determined to defend him. I was trying to escape Augustine, not get myself dragged to his feet as his lost wench or daughter or something. I growled frusteratedly and looked up. Rachels eyes watched me warily as she continue to drag me through the crowds of people on the street. What was I doing here. I should have stayed put. Now as I looked back on my behavior in the woods with Augustine I had realized how childishly I had behaved. What was wrong with me? but the knowledge that he was searching for me and heading the wrong way was quite interesting. What exactly was he planning? I sighed in frusteration. Things weren't making sense and this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach told me they weren't going to get much better.