• My Personal Pet

    Chapter 2: Unexpected Encounters


    I wandered into the streets of North-town alone, wondering if I had always felt this lonely without my friends. I didn't want to return home because if I did, I was positive step-mom would be waiting for me to give my earnings from the day to Elli, either that or they would be out at a social party to see if there were any talent scouts there to make Elli famous.

    I kept walking and surprisingly found myself at the North-town mall. I had no idea how or why I ended up here, but since I had nothing to do, I decided to take a stroll around. North-town is the town located in the North; which is where all the wealthy billionaires lived and also the town where limousines, mansions and expensive brand name items were commonly found in. I hated North-town, the same hate for spoiled rich people.

    The thing that caught my eye was the patisserie there. Did I tell you that I've always wanted to be a patissiere? A patissiere is a French pastry chef; the shops are called a patisserie, that's where they sell all their delicious and heavenly pastries and sweets. I dreamed to become a patissiere ever since my father took me to a Patisserie somewhere in North-town before he died, after that I've always wanted to become a patissiere and revisit that patisserie. But no matter how many times I came here, I could never seem to recall the memory of the shop's name or remember where exactly the shop was.

    I continued to daydream as I was walking and while I was crossing the road, I glanced out to the road and saw a bright red sports car speeding fast, directly towards me. My whole body froze in shocked.

    "GET OUT OF THE WAY! MOVE!" The handsome young man wearing sunglasses, in the car which was now right in front of me, shouted.

    I tried to move away as quickly as possible but it was too late, I saw a bright flash, which must have been the head lights, and the impact of the car made me crash to the ground. Luckily, the car stopped before it squashed me.

    "Hey! Are you alright? Hey!" Was all I heard, then I collapsed and the world went black.


    I opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar place. It looked like a suite in a very high-class hotel; it's not like I've been in one but still...My vision was a little blurred but I could make out that the walls were a creamish color and the room was furnished with extremely expensive-looking furniture. I saw a figure approach me; it was a stranger, a young man that looked oddly familiar somehow.

    "Hey...How are you feeling?" the stranger asked.

    "Better...Where am I? Who are you?" I asked with a hoarse voice.

    "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM?" he yelled in awe.

    'Well it's not like you know who I am...' I almost said...

    My vision had returned to normal and I could now see he had raven-black hair, similar to mine, except his had a tint of brown to it. He had spectacular sky-blue eyes that were just mesmerizing. I realized by now I had been staring at him and I quickly looked away, but he must have noticed.

    "It's hard not to stare at me isn't it?" he said, after the awkward moment. "Anyways, I'm Leon Phantomhive. My grandfather was Sebastian Phantomhive the person who founded Phantom Co. and my parents are Antony and Sharon Phantomhive. I'm the heir and current CEO of Phantom Co. and I'm only 17." He stated, proudly.

    Leon? Leon Phantomhive? Hmm...Definitely familiar...! He was the one that sponsored the fashion show I was working at today! So he's a rich brat...

    "I'm very busy, as you probably could have figured, so I'd like to excuse myself." he said, when another stranger walked in. He was well-mannered but he annoyed me in a way I could not describe, maybe it was the fact he was a wealthy, spoiled brat.

    I watched Leon and the stranger exchange a few words by the door; I couldn't hear what they were saying but they looked like they were quite close. After that Leon left and the stranger walked up to me. He had shiny blonde hair that would get into his eyes if it weren't for those glasses and dark green eyes that seemed very mysterious and dark. He looked to be about in his early twenties but he was wearing a white overcoat, which you'd normally see doctors wear and he was wearing a name tag that read: Dr. Lucas Daniels.

    Dr. Daniels told me I was at the North-town hospital because I was in a car accident and was hit by a car that happened to be Leon Phantomhive's car. He said I had sprained my wrist since it had cushioned my fall when the car hit me. Leon had taken full responsibility and even called the ambulance and sent me to North-town hospital (AKA the millionaire's hospital). At least he was responsible... Dr. Daniels seemed like a very wise and knowledgeable person for someone who looked so young, he was also surprisingly friendly and easy to talk to as well. After that, I was allowed to leave after Dr. Daniels examined my arm once more.

    "Thank You! Dr. Daniels." I said then ran out.


    I left the hospital in a hurry, hating to be in a rich person's place for long, and headed back out. I convinced myself that I was sick of the sight of the rich people; but you got to admit, the wealthy looked extremely beautiful with all the unique, modern buildings and the trendy, fashionable clothes. Therefore, I decided to head to the beach located in the west side of the country, also known as West-town.

    It's not an actual town, there's only a beach which residents call the West-town Beach because of its location. But it's actually located in the north-western part, so it's closer to North-town. The wealthy never come here though, that's why I like it here, I guess it's because they have the money to go to exotic tropical beaches or private islands around the world.


    "Please take me to the west-town beach. I need to kill some time before I go home." Leon ordered his driver.

    "As you wish, Young Master." the driver immediately replied.

    Driver never asked a lot of questions or bothered Leon too much, and that was what Leon liked about driver. He always followed orders without questioning them and was absolutely loyal.

    For example now, other servants would probably ask, why he needed to go to the beach and not head straight home or why didn't he ask to go to some exotic beach in the pacific somewhere. The truth was, he need something to do before he went home every day after work because if he went straight home, he'd be forced to go to arranged marriages meetings, social parties, or just meeting with a business partner for his father because his father was too busy. Either that or they'd be ready to lecture him about all kinds of things multi-billionaires tell their sons and daughters. Leon hated all this, he wanted to choose himself who he would marry, he wanted to have a normal high-school life without having to work, he wanted to be able to go hang out with friends instead of going to social parties. What he needed most was something to keep him busy for the summer, so his parents couldn't force him to do anything. But what or who?


    I walked across the soft, sandy beach, as the sun was setting into the ocean. The silence and peacefulness put my mind at ease. I walked to the far end of the beach and by the time I got back to my starting point, I was exhausted. The sun had set and there was only the light of the full moon illuminating the vast ocean. I sat down on the sandy beach with the sounds of the waves relaxing me. I stared out into the sea and let my mind wander off somewhere.

    I didn't get to enjoy this moment for long, though. I heard the sound of footsteps squeaking in the sand, coming from behind me. It was getting closer and closer. Who came to the beach at this time? I do, but that's because I have nothing better to do... It was probably a stalker or a homeless person. I prepared myself, ready to attack whoever or whatever was behind me.

    When the sound was close enough I turned around and charged at the figure. I could tell that the figure belonged to a young man but it was too dark to see exactly what he looked like. I was right in front of him now, ready to attack but he moved forward and messed up my timing. I ended up crashing into him, both of us falling to the ground, with me on top of him.

    "What the-?" he yelled. I could now see what he looked like and to my surprise; I had run into none other than, Leon Phantomhive."You're the girl that made a dent in my car!"

    "Yeah, and you're the guy that sprained my wrist and almost KILLED ME!" I yelled back.

    "I couldn't and didn't sprain your wrist, you did that yourself."

    "...What are you doing here anyways?" I said, getting off him.

    "Killing some time...what about you?"

    "I have nothing better to do..." I replied.

    "Do you just attack whoever or whatever comes near you? Should I be afraid?" he asked, staring at me as if I was some weird creature that had been extinct millions of years ago.

    "Well, I thought you were a stalker or something." I replied, calmly.

    "You attack anyone who'd try to do something to you?" His expression looked completely surprised.

    "Of course, it's self defense." I replied. He became speechless for a while.

    "Are you free now or something, then?" he asked after a moment of silence.

    "Yeah, actually, I'm free every day after school, since it's summer...after work." I replied, sitting down next to him on the sand. Why am I telling him this anyways? It's like he's going to ask me out...

    "Oh, really?" he said, grinning now. He looked like he has just got an idea. I hope not, though, because whatever it was, I'm sure it involved me. "How would you like to work for Leon Phantomhive?" he asked.

    "What? Are you serious? What do you mean?" Is he trying to offer me a job? What is he trying to do?

    "Well, you don't have to do much. Just keep me entertained, when I'm bored." he replied, smiling to himself, looking very sly.

    "Why me?" I asked, actually curious.

    "Because you amuse me." he replied simply. "So, what do you say? I'll pay you, of course. You look like you're in need of money anyways."

    True. I do need money. And he's a multi-billionaire's son, just working for him might give me enough money to go to university as well as make Elli, famous.

    "Fine" I replied.


    Chapter 3 posted...