• On October 31, I died. I died trying to save my only love, now that my other was dead.
    My son.
    My beautiful baby.
    My life with my baby was supposed to be long an happy. But now he took it all away. Forever gone.But he will be happy. I know it. When I died I just stood there watching in horror as my son was so close to death that his spirit almost left. but I gave him my sheild. He could not be harmed by Voldemort. He would become stronger than him. I know it.

    I am Lily Potter. And this is my story.

    My baby grew up with his aunt. My sister. to watch my baby grow up in there hands makes my want to haunt them. But i wll not. i need to be there for my son. Finally, on his 11th birthday, he got the letter from Hagrid. The letter for Hogwarts. I was excited when Hagrid pointed them as bad people for keeping it a secrert that i was a witch and his father a wizard. But my baby want to Hogwarts with a full heart and heavy pockets. I love him. I hope he will move on. I also hope he knows the right place to go when he is in trouble.

    Though I must warn you. Every thing is not where they should be. twisted