• "I sense there's something in the wind, tragedy's at bend," Her whispered voice danced out with the wind, words of sorrow no one would ever hear.

    She blinked a few times, her lips in a line as she stepped further out onto rotting tree that hung merrily over the edge of cliff. Her eyes looking downwards, something most people would never do. But then again, most people wouldn’t walk on a tree, hanging off of a cliff, with thousands of feet below them. Licking her lips, she breathed in deeply, arms sticking out like airplane wings as she kept herself balanced. The breeze blew her deep, rich, pitch black hair around her face. Her eyes now closed as she stopped walking, and plopped herself down onto the branch, her legs dangling down to what would seem to be her death. But she couldn’t die, so it didn’t matter. Yawning, she looked out to the horizon, it was bleak, and empty. Kind of like her, and it wasn’t going to change until she was herself once more. But she’d never be the carefree girl she once was. Once you die, you never go back. Once you are reborn, you are never the same. An empty person with nothing to look forward to ever again. No relationship, no children, just endless years of aimless wandering. Or, at least that is what Alysia thought. An eternity was a long time, anything could happen.