• You wake up in a house you have never seen before. In order to stay alive you MUST follow these instructions.

    Quickly walk out of the house before the witch comes up from the basement. She will kill you.

    Outside I sent a wolf, he will be your friend, for now. Don't upset him or he will eat you. Climb on his back and he will take you where you need to go. Give him a token. This could be even the shirt off of your back, just something. Or he will eat you.

    Once he leaves you at the fountain a mermaid will appear. Don't listen to a word she says, and under NO circumstances are you to join her in the water. You will find a blue jewel in her hair, grab it before she grabs you.

    Walk down the path behind the fountain and into the woods. You will come to s stone wall. On the wall is a hole. Place the jewel in the hole. A door will appear.

    Walk through the door, even though the other side is pitch black, don't be scared.

    You will then awake to where your heart belongs. Your old home, a new home, a lovers arms, your child's room.

    You have completed the journey of the heart and can finally rest.