• ".....beep............beep.....beep.....". Silently kiba listened to the inconsistent beeping that was counting hinata's heart beats. Each time it fell silent he held his breath, waiting for the beeping noise to resound through out the hospitol room, and each time it did he would let out a sigh of releif. It was two days after his fight that he was released from the hospitol and learned of hinata's condition, and for six days he had sat by her side listening to her shallow breathing and infrequent heart beat.carefully kiba reached over and gently brushed her bangs from her eyes. furiously he walked over to the window, he hated seeing her like this and knowing he couldnt do anything about it. he leaned his forehead against the cool glass trying to calm himself untill his thoughts were interupted by a small squeek of pain. he spun around to see hinata in a half siting position clutching her side in pain. "hinata!". he ran over to her and helped her sit up before hugging her tight. "k-kiba-kun? wh-what are you d-doing here...?" kiba pulled back and smiled at her "waiting for you to wake up!" hinata smiled weakly at him before cringing in pain "beep beeep beeeeeeep..." gently kiba layed her down and held her hand untill her heart beat slowed. weakly she opened her eyes "i-iam s-sorry kiba-kun...." "it's fine hinata, but........" he let go of her hand and walked across the room "why?" slowly hinata sat back up " wh-what d-do you-" she flinched as kiba slammed his fist into the wall "WHY DID YOU FIGHT HIM? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF?!" hinata blinked the tears out of her eyes "i-i w-wanted-" kiba turned around "WHAT? YOU WANTED TO LOOK GOOD INFRONT OF THAT IDIOT NARUTO?!" slowly hinata shook her head "i-i w-wanted to do my b-best....." kiba took a deep breathe before walking over to her " hinata, .... to me, you'll allways be the best. " gently he lifted up her chin so that she could look at his eyes before leaning down and kissing her........