• I walked out side with my dog. "Come on Jenna. Just go to the bathroom, it's not gonna kill you!" I sat on the porch steps, watching the yellow lab pad around the yard like it wasn't raining. Something wet hit my head. "What the...?" I looked up to see the gutter drip on my nose. "Ugh." I stood up and put my hands under the water.
    My head whipped up and I looked out on to the street at a truck rounding the corner. "Jeez!" I looked around. "Jenna?" I walked off the porch. "JENNA!" I yelled.
    No! I yelled in my head, Not Jenna. Why does she have to love cars! "Jenna!" I cried knowing it was hopeless, though I ran to her anyway.
    There she lay. Her legs sprawled out. Blood dripped from her mouth. "Why?!" I yelled.
    I heard the front door slam. And I opened my eyes just enough to see that my mom and dad had come running out.
    "She dead!" I yelled making them stop.
    "It's okay, Leanna. Everything is okay."
    I cried then. I cried like I had never cried before. I felt like I was going to burst when I felt something stab me really hard in the side. Every rain drop started to feel like fire hitting my skin and making me burst in to flames. I screamed. But stopped right away because it hurt my ear so much.

    "She isn't going to make it." A masculine voice sounded near my feet.
    "What happened to her though?" My moms voice sounded crazed.
    "I'm okay mom." I wanted to say. But when I tried I found I could not talk. I opened my eyes and found myself in a hospital bed. I sat up and walked over to the door, right next to my mom. "Mom?"
    She didn't hear me, cause, I couldn't talk! I looked around frantically hopping there was some way... I stopped thinking as soon as I looked at the hospital bed. "No way." I mouthed. I looked down at my arm and I could just see through it...