• I woke up to my alarm clock going off. Zane and I both groaned. I slapped it off and put my face back into the pillow. Why couldn’t it be Saturday?! I thought to myself. I want to sleep in! I sat up and yanked my hair out of the pony tail and left the curls fall down around my shoulders.

    “I think my parents left,” I mumbled. Zane grunted in response. I stood up and went to my dresser pulling out a pair of jeans and a pretty shirt. “Be back.” I muttered and left the room. I went to the bathroom and changed quickly brushing my hair out and putting on a little makeup. I grabbed my clothes and went back into my room. Zane was still sleeping. I smirked. I threw my clothes in the corner and went over to him. He was laying on his stomach his brown locks covering his face. I leaned down, my legs on either side of him. “Zane?” I coed. “Get up.” I grinned as I thought of a plan. I grabbed the pillow off my bed and stood up. “Waky waky,” I muttered and went to throw the pillow down at his face when he jumped up scaring me. He grabbed my waist and pushed me back onto the mattress. I screamed and laughed as he landed on top of me. His blue eyes were still a little sleepy but his lips curved up into a grin. “You’re a rat,” I said laughing.

    “And you were going to hit me with a pillow,” he said sounding insulted. I giggled. He laughed and got off of me. Not like I wanted him too though. He put out his hand after ruffling his hair. I took it and he pulled me up. I laughed and fixed my shirt. “Can I use the shower?” he asked. I nodded.

    “Yeah go ahead.” He nodded and grabbed his backpack and headed into the bathroom. I heard the shower start as I grabbed a pop-tart and headed back to the room. Not to long after he got out and came back into the room wearing dark jeans a red t shirt. He smelled good too. His hair was wet and fell down in front of his eyes. It was hard not to stare but I averted my eyes to my finger nails.

    “Mm, a pop-tart,” he said and took it from me.

    “Hey!” I yelled. He sat down beside me on the bed and I felt drips of water land on my arms and face. “That’s mine,” I said as he took another bite out of it. It was half way in his mouth already. “What are you talking about girl? You don’ need it.” I gasped and he laughed almost choking on the pop-tart. He pulled it out of his mouth as I hit his shoulder and he laughed.

    “Dork,” I muttered. At least I had eaten the other one. He finished it off and sighed.

    “I’m still hungry,” he mumbled.

    “Oh poor baby.” I said and stood up already getting dizzy from his cologne. “We got school mister.” He nodded.

    “Let’s skip,” he said putting his hands behind his head.

    “Ugh no.” I said matter of fact. “Did you even bring any of your books along?” I asked looking at his old backpack.

    “Nope, I leave them at the school.”

    “Don’t you have homework?” I asked. He looked at me and smirked.

    “Yep!” I rolled my eyes.

    “I wish we could but—“

    “Why can’t we?” I looked at him scrunching my nose up thinking.

    “My parents would kill me,” I said. “Especial if we leave the house—“

    “We don’t have to,” he said. I looked at him frowning.

    “You’ve done this before haven’t you?”

    “A million times,”

    “Figures,” I looked up at the corner of my room and sighed. “Fine.” Zane grinned. I put my backpack back down and jumped into bed beside Zane putting my hands behind my head staring up at my ceiling. “So what now?” I asked. I felt him shrug beside me. It was silent as we thought. “Ooh!” he said and jumped up. He turned and looked down at me grinning.

    “What?” I asked.

    “Smallville is back to back all day on demand.” I grinned.

    “I think we found a plan.” I thought for a moment.

    “What’s wrong?” he asked. I looked at him.

    “We need food.” he nodded smiling.

    “Agreed,” he was staring at me now then his eyes drifted from my eyes down to my neck, then my chest then to my stomach and finally landing on the bare skin showing around my hip. His chest heaved a little. I realized we were in an uncomfortable position and sat up real quick bringing my top down. I cleared my throat.

    “Um, let’s go to the 7’11 down the road and get some snacks.” he nodded coming out of his head. See Olivia, all he is looking for is sex and someone to hook up with. I’m sure he has had sex before. He seems like he has but maybe that’s just a cover up. Of course he did it with Kendra! She bragged about it! I sighed to myself. Don’t let him do this to you. I’m sure he looked like that when Kendra was lying around the house in her thong and bra! I got up to my feet and went to my dresser. “I’ve got some money we can spend.” I grabbed two twenties and turned to Zane making a smile come to my lips even though my mind was showing me pictures of Kendra and Zane together….doing something that I had no experience with. “Let’s go.”