• I stand in the middle of the graveyard searching. Seaching for something that I'm not all that sure is real. The team that surrounds me is tense and waiting for the unexpected. My heart is beating uncontrollably and I can some how sense something coming. The men and women in the group are laughing they are willing and ready to die for their cause.
    "Get ready the bloodsucking vermin are on their way I'm sure you can feel it by now that's how close they are. Stay on your toes!" The people are now in stance that not only are these beasts close but they are coming to kill. Fright filled my eyes and I knew it. Questions begin to form, questions that not only frighten me, but, also fill me with a new understanding about what I have just gotten myself into. Know matter how hard I try i can't escape the harsh reality of what we are here to do. WE ARE HERE TO KILL.
    I can now see them in the distance and the looks in their eyes are almost identical to the ones that surround me. The leader Lord Darik has given the order for us to kill any and every human that crosses the boundary. I can feel Ethan slowly begin to curl his hand around mine. He to is scared for the people that are willingly running straight into the hands of death itself.
    "We have to do this or our world will cease to exist and so will we..." he grits his teeth "And I can't let that happen."
    He swiftly kisses me on the lips and heads off to join Darik and the other leaders. The first has crossed the line, I can see the teams faces go red with blood lust and hatred. I want to scream and run, but Ethan's right we have to protect our way of life. The humans are running at us and I see them slowly begin to be picked off. I have to enter the fray weather I like it or not. They are the ones now seeking the blood, and we're left to cower in fear. But i cant let this happen again not now, not here, not this time.

    To be continued...User Image