• When the pack returned to the cave, Kage had rallied up a few males to go the hunting. The others remained at the cave to protect the females and children. Yukie turned to Yume and Matthias and smiled.
    "Alright. Let's go and get you two washed."
    Yume looke crossed.
    "Aww mommy..."
    Yuki picked up the two cubs and took them to a seperate room to the cave. There was a wooden tub with a water pump. Yume sat down in a corner pouting. Yuki ignored yume and looked at Matthias sweetly.
    "Matthias, would you want to go to your sister?"
    Matthias began to whimper. She placed Matthias down on the stone floor, and he crawled straight to Yume and hugged her tightly. Yume giggled
    "Let go of me bruvie"
    Yuki undressed the siblings and started the bath. While she was getting the bath ready, Yume was poking her.
    "Yes sweetie?"
    "What's that thing?" she pointed at Matthias'c crotch. "We don't have one of those mommy. Does he have a disease?"
    Yuki laughed. "No honey he's not diseased. That's something all boys have."
    "Even Daddy?"
    "Yes. Daddy has one too."
    "Alright kiddos. In the water."
    Yume jumped into the tub and water splashed everywhere. Yuki picked up Matthias and placed him in the bath tub. Matthias sneezed, casuing a bubble to float up right in front of his muzzle. He bit the bubble, but then tried to get rid of the taste of soap afterwards. Yuki started to scrub the pups. YUme was giving her a hard time. She was doing her best to avoid her moms paw. "Yume stay still!" After a while of cleaning, Matthias tried to stand up, but he lost his blance and fell down. Soap got everywhere, including in Yumes eyes. Yume started to cry.
    "Mommy! Matthias hurt me!"
    "Aww honey, he didn't mean to."
    "Yes he did!"
    "It was an accident Yume. He just fell down that's all."
    Matthias made his way to Yume and gave her a hug. Yume looked at him and sighed. "Ok bruvie...i forgive you."
    Yuki took the two out of the tub and wrapped them in towels. She then picked up Matthias and Yume, and took them to Yume's room. After Yuki dressed Yume up, she remembered that Matthias didn't have any clothes.
    "Looks like I'm going to buy you some clothes..."
    "But mommy what about this?" Yume pulled out a red shirt and a pair of jeans.
    "Yume...where did you-"
    "Hikari got me this for play clothes. You told her they were to boy-ish for me so I never wore 'em."
    Matthias sneezed.
    "Come here Matthias, you need a diaper." He recognized the word and hid behind Yume. Yuki prepared the diaper for him. He tried to escape, but Yuki grabbed him and held him down to get it in on. She shook baby powder on his rump and quickly taped the diaper up. He got back up on all fours and crawled to Yume. Yume pulled the red shirt on over his head and he didn't fight much. However, when Yuki pulled the jeans on him, he whimpered. He was finally dressed. That's when he finally realized How hungry he was again and began to cry.