• I was hunting, I could smell the animals when I heard somehting move in the bush that was 5 feet from me I dropped into a hunting crouch I krept toward the bush just before I sprang I heard a small whimper and another small wale I started to think that it wasn't prey so I continued to creep toward the bushes when I got close enough I peeked through the leaves only to see 4 small creatures and one medium sized creature the smallest creature was wet and pure white like snow the 2nd smallest was also pure white exept for a single black mark on its muzzle the 2nd to biggest was pure black exept for a single small white mark on his muzzle and the biggest creature was pure black the medium creature was pure black, I am pure white the medium creature reminded me of love. She had dissapeared soon after finding out that she was pregnant wiht my kits. My clan and I all thought that she had been eaten by a fox, not long after after a fire that had burnt down our camp, but that is when it dawned on me these were my kits and she was my love!!! I very slowly moved into the bush my kits jumped at the sound of my paws on the ground their mother didn't move I slowly started toward her when got close enough I touched her face with my muzzle she slowly opened her eyes and in a very week voice said "help" I bounded toward my camp I didnt bother to go through the entrance I burst right through a wall that had been built out of twigs and leaves it hurt, but I didnt have any time to waste. I called for my deputy Snowheart and my medicine cat Fireangel together the three of us bounded toward the bush where my kits and love were. When we got there Fireangel darted toward my love Snowangel. Then all of a sudden we heard a rustle of leave out side of the bush when I peered through the leaves I saw a snake, Snowheart and I quickly went to fight off the snake. After battling the snake for 30 minutes, Snowheart and I finally fought off the snake we went back inside and Fireangel announced that Snowangel was going to be ok. I darted over to her, she lifted her head and slowly said "I dont believe. Its you. You found me, but how?" When I finished telling her how I was hunting when I heard the kits she said "They are beautiful aren't They?" Then I said "Yes. They are very beautiful" Then I asked her why she had left the camp. She said she went out on a walk when she was attacked by a snake, "The snake had bit her" said Fireangel "The snake ingected venom into her blood, but not enough to kill, her only enough to confuse her and cause memory loss the only things she remembered was you were her love and she was pregnant luckly she hunted for herself and you found her before she died." We took her bak to camp and set her in Fireangel's clearing along with the kits. Since then she has grown strong and the kits have become warriors so they can fight for the clan them and their mother love.