• After much convincing Rebecca had been able to talk her mother into letting her go down to the waterfalls alone. She wanted to be way from her pesky cousins, that had saddly tagged alone, when her mom anounced that they would be going to Niagra Falls for a week to "cool off". So whenever she could she tryed to get away. Today was no different.
    As she left began to leave their hotel, she grabbed her bag with all her supplies in it: her notebook, camera, cell phone, pencils, wallet and a snack or two. She wasnt like most girls who carried those tiny pink purses at all.
    When she walked out into the cool air she unlike most people didnt ahiver but welcomed the cool air, soon she'ld be back to the one hundreddegree weather in FLORIDA! Luckily the hotel was just a block or two away and she could aready hear th rushing water of the falls.
    Within minutes she was at the falls. It was beautiful! Finding a place to be alone would be hard she knew but she would find a place. And and she did, a big rock that was just like a chair looking out at the falls. She used her camera to take expert pictures, that she would have to develope in the "red room" when she got home. Then, she just sat there hynotized by the rushing and cracking of the water. After a bit she pulled out her notebook and started to write a poem about the water. In the mist of poem her cell phone beeped. A Txt.
    "Hey! Wats up?" from her pen pal Mitchel. Her school and his had been doing a pen pal program and she had gotten him. he lived not to far from where she was right now.
    "I'm at the falls" she txted back
    "I know" was what she got back
    "How................wait are you here too?"
    "Find me if you can."
    So she put all her things in her bag. Then turned from her falls and looked at the crowd behind her and searched for her freind.
    The pen pals werent suppoesd to send pictures of eachther but they did, so she had a good idea of what to look for. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and lanky. And then after searching for a bit she saw him smiling at her. He was standing close to the egde of the brigde, mist and wind from the falls on his face and hair. He looked gorgeuos and then at taht moment she fell for her pen pal.
    "I see you"She txted him.
    And then ran at him. Hugged him and said,"You could've just come over to me"
    "What fun wouldbe?" He replied.