• Time seemed to stand still. Everything stopped. I glanced up to see Shadow walking threw the doors. "Hey Baby." he said as he walked over and kissed me gently. "Nothing much...Trying to figure out why you stopped time just to impress little ole me?" I said giggling. "I don't know...I guess just to show you how much I love you..." he said sweetly, his black and red hair falling into his eyes slightly. His Baby Blue eyes peircing into my soul once more like it had so many times before. Before I go any further, I am Sophie de La Fonte. I am a Junior at Channelville High School, but this isn't a normal school. Channelville High is a School for children that can control things like fire, (Like Shadow), Plants, (Liker my little sister Annabell. We will get to her later), and Ice ( Like me.) I can control Ice and read people's minds. Shadow can control Fire and stop time. He can also read my mind. Strangely he cant read anyone elses. My little sister can control plants. I guess you could say that we were the weird bunch cause no one went to other elements. Fires stayed with Fires, Ice people stayed with Ice people and so on. Not us. We were ALWAYS together. Oh well... "Soph..." I looked up and seen Shadow smiling down at me. "Ready to go?" he said sweetly. I nodded as we walked to our first class of the day...