• Ember's fiery red eyes peered through the darkness and rain, seeking the pulse of a human, the steady beating of a heart, the scent of fresh blood racing through a vein. A slight figure came into view and a sweet scent washed over her, her eyes focused on the figure, A disgusted noise escaped Ember's throat. too young to be prey. She stood and brushed wet leaves off her jeans and began springing from rooftop to rooftop, until finally she was on fifth street west, at her favorite, easiest feeding ground in all of New York.

    She slid into a crowded nightclub and slipped off her jacket.Several pairs of mens eyes focused on her instantly. Ember's pale albaster skin was exposed up to her shoulder, where the reddish pink of her tank top took over. Skinny jeans covered her legs, held up by a skull belt. Her thick black combat boots clunked over the floor as she mimicked a normal human's gait. There was only one bar stool left, sitting between two drunken hillbillies.


    Ember sat and ordered a drink, which, when it arrived, she pretended to sip from as the men started flirting.
    "Hey, sweetheart, can we buy you a drink?.....Give you a ride somewhere, maybe?"
    Ember shook her head no and rose, putting her jacket back on. She knew the men would follow.

    Ember turned the corner into the alley and heard them following her. As they went deeper, the lights faded. The drunks gained on her, until one put his hand on her shoulder....
    It was over very quickly. The man's neck snapped sickly as her hand hit it, and then the other. Soon, both bodies were drained of blood and stuffed behind the dumpster. Ember raised a hand to wipe a spot of blood from her lips, straightened her jacket, and sped home.

    It wasn't much, that much was certain, but Ember enjoyed her home. New York City was large enough and with a high enough crime rate she could feed almost every night and not be discovered. She had no clan; she didn't need one to keep the other vampires out. This was HER city; any intruders would be run off soon enough.

    Ember flopped down onto the creaking bed and grabbed one of the numerous books of the sagging bookshelf. The room was tiny, maybe five feet by six feet. Ember gazed around and sighed. Home. She was often lonely without a clan, it was true, but it wasn't her fault she couldn't form one, it was just all the idiot vampiress that showed up here were only interested in feeding. Ember wanted her clan to have half a brain. Ember sighed again and started flipping through her book, wishing that she was as blessed as humans as to be able to sleep.

    About a half hour later, A distinctly stone-like aroma drifted through her open window, mingled with the scent of blood. She knew exactly what kind of creature that was. Ember stiffened, and a low, feral snarl slid out of her throat and tore at the air as one of her constant mood changes hit. She stood immediately and jumped out the window to find the other vampire that was in her city.

    The vampire was to be found in central park preparing to feed. That wasn't what truly set Ember off.
    It was the fact he had a child cornered.
    This wasn't a really small child, probably around fourteen, but it was still enough to send ember into a spiral of fury. She snarled, feral and wild, and launched herself at the vampire that dared to feed in her city.

    The new vampire spun and tried to duck out of the way, but Ember's hand caught him and sent him flying into a tree. Positioning herself in front of the human girl, she sank into a crouch. Another snarl tore up and out of her throat. Ember kept her eyes trained on the new male the whole time as he got up and dusted himself off. He walked towards her, slowly, hands raised in a peace gesture. She straightened up, but as soon as he attempted to come closer than a meter, she snarled and sank into the crouch. She relaxed as the new vampire backed off. Ember looked at the kid. "go now. Don't worry, he wont hurt you. Now run home."

    The terrified kid did what she was told, and raced away. Ember turned back to the other vampire and waited. They both were silent, ember's mouth remained turned up in a silent snarl. And then he spoke. "so, your the legendary vampire of new york. There's loads of rumors about you floating around the supernatural community, Holding down all of New York on your own? I personally didn't believe it, 'til about fifty seconds ago." He sounded amused. Ember didn't. "Get. Out. Of. My. CITY!" She roared, before calming slightly, "you are not welcome here. Now go before i have to make you."

    "Well, not the most polite vampire, now are you?"
    This earned him another snarl from Ember. The new vampire apraised her, "so, whats your name?"
    "Ember. And you?"
    Ember snorted comtemptuously. "Well, Darian, I would like you to leave my city." She continued glaring, but with less hostility now, and more irritation. Darian leaned back against the tree he had been thrown into.
    "Look, Ember, you really want to know why i came here?"
    "Not particularily, no."
    "Well, i came to join your clan."