• The house looked a bit gothic yet elegant, but hey, we're talking Hades's palace here. Anyway, Persephone gazed in wonder at the sight. "Oh. My. Gods. It's....so.....huge!! Imagine how many people can fit in this place, huh, Hades?" Persephone gushed. "Yeah.....Want me to give you a little tour of the place?" "Okay! Can I....uh.....stay here for a few days?" Persephone asked. "Sure, if ya want." Hades answered. Why would she want to stay with me, and in here, of all places? Hades pondered as they strolled through the pillared halls.

    "Here's the dining room." Hades stated nonchalantly as a curious Persephone ran in. There was a long mahogany table with a wine red silk tablecloth along with chairs that stood almost six feet tall with black velvet. Persephone sat in one and she nearly sank into the seat! "Man, this is comfy! How can you possibly sit in these things?" Persephone called, her voice a bit muffled due to the condition of the seat cushions. Hades chuckled at the sight of the young woman acting very much like a child.

    "This is the kitchen; don't....nevermind." Hades said, stopping himself at the last minute.I can't tell her the rule or else she'll leave.....I....don't want her to leave. "Nevermind what, Hades?" Persephone said, inhaling a delectable aroma of exotic foods and drinks. "Nothing, Seph, nothing." Hades replied. There stood meals of every kind, some of the dishes were barely even murmured or mentioned in any cookbook ever made....ever!! There were tons of spices, toppings, sauces, appetizers, courses, cooking utensils not even heard of by human minds yet!

    "And finally, this.....is my throne room." Hades said shyly, a bit embarassed about what Persephone will think. "This place is so....whoa." Seph sighed, obviously speechless. "Whoa? Whoa what?" Hades questioned. " 'Whoa' as in 'amazingly awesome! This is soooo different from Olympus; the light always gets in my eyes. It's as if they want me to be the first blind Goddess of the Spring." "I know; I could hardly see a single thing whenever my older bother of a brother yanks me up there!" Hades happily agreed. Finally, someone who's on my side here! "Hey, Persephone! Big bro's giving you a tour, huh? Awesome!" A young, pale servant called. He had blackish-gray hair that flowed three or four inches below his shoulders. His gray slit-like eyes waited for an answer. "Hey, Pain, come down here and meet Seph!" " 'Seph'? Awww, you have a wittle pet name for her~. You two dating already? You sly dog, you." Pain teased. "Wha...Pain, I'm not dating her; we just met! Wait 'til I get up there...." Hades growled as his eyes turned ruby red while a bit of blush was showing.

    "Awww, Pain, give them some mercy! Jeez!" Said a slightly less pale sixteen-year-old girl; she had golden eyes, waist length jet black hair with a section of it dyed silver. She wore purple and pink striped leggings, a purple jumper dress with a pink blouse, and whisker-like marks painted on her face. "Well, well; if it isn't the Chesire Cat's daughter." Pain muttered. "Hi, Panic!" Persephone saluted. "Hey, Seph." Panic saluted back. "How's the tour? Is it awesome? I thought it was awesome when I came here!" Panic chattered. "Oh no....not that. Anything but that." "Yes, Pain....that." Panic and Hades said in unison.