• there were two people who are very important to a war caused by greed: Charmont and Cholline. Charmont was a very skilled alchemist. His alchemy was considered special, for he was born and raised in the hands of the Bleau people, the wisest tribe in their world. His alchemy was seen different from others, because its color was blue. Normal alchemists have amethyst power. Charmont is now the head of State alchemists in the Arosian war.

    Cholline was a friend of charmont, and is now a State Alchemist. she is the assistant to Charmont. Cholline's alchemy, like Charmont, is different from any other alchemy in their world. her alchemy's glow is yellowish gold, a rare type of alchemy, said to be possessed only by a goddess. The truth is, Cholline is the goddess's daughter. Her mother is the white Goddess, the symbol of peace and humanity.

    The war broke out because of a holy banquet between all the gods. Aro, drunk as always, insulted all the goddesses, saying that gods rule and goddesses are worthless concubines to them. The White Goddess flared up, her long white kimono turning into a blood red dress stained with black. Her long white hair turned into flame whips as her burning eyes gored into Aro. Her sister, Anthesia, as the goddess of justice and protector of discrimination, had her black satin kimono drop. Her sexy bodice was covered with fit armor. On her right was a legendary sword. on her left, the holy crest of the God Father.
    Anthesia ran to her sister's side. They were ready to fight when the God father dismissed them. He said to bring the fight to Earth and not on his holy Banquet Hall. And so Aro, Anthesia, and the White Goddess went to their own perspective cities and people, discussing the war that had broke out and pointing who will they fight against and who will they fight alongside.

    As they planned the war, the Moon Goddess was hurt by their actions. She doesn't want the White goddess to be humiliated in front of Aro, but she doesn't want the Earth plunged into war. And so she signalled the tribes when to have a fight. whenever that date is near, the moon will turn yellowish red in color. The exact day is called the "Day of The black Sun". For 30 days the Black Sun will reign over the Earth. The moon will also be black, but it turns invisible in the night sky. after the 30 days of plague, alchemists from their tribes fix the affected part of the city by the war. The result: a never-ending war.

    Since the past few years, Aros, Anthes, and the unknown city of the White Goddess was affected and rebuilt, affected and rebuilt, affected and rebuilt. Alchemists got tired and so they only came out of their homes when the day of The black Sun is over.

    Now, we go back to the present. It was the 7th year of the war... The moon is giving off a light yellowish red glow, signalling the cities and nations that the day of The black Sun is near...

    "Charmont!" cholline bursted out of the door. Charmont jumped up. "What is it, Cholline? What's so important that you don't have to knock on the door quietly?"
    "Forgive me, sir, but I have the plans from the Colonel... We have to attack... All the State Alchemists will..." said Cholline with a sober expression.

    "What? The Colonel has gone mad! Let me see those!" Charmont fumed with anger as he grabbed the form from Cholline's hands.

    It says:

    To: The Head of State Alchemists,

    Greetings, O friend of mine!
    Our country is falling behind, so I'll get right to the point.
    I have no choice but to let ALL the state alchemists - yes, that means you and cholline, too-
    fight in the Day of The black Sun. I'm very sorry to think that all the alchemists will be fighting.But think only of the White Goddess, and she will protect you.

    May the power of the white Goddess protect us all in battle!

    From: The Colonel