• One time, not too long ago, there was a very, very tall building. And in this building there were three friends. They always had lunch on the roof, and they always came up with new games every day. Well, one day the three friends came up with a new game, they were to drop their watches, (which were all expensive ones) run downstairs, to the sidewalk and then catch it before they hit the ground. The three friend's names were Mark, Luke, and Phart.
    Mark threw his watch off first. He ran down the steps as fast as he could while dodging the annoying people that were blocking the hallway. He jumped over counters, dove under tables, and ignored the wet floor signs. When Mark got to the first floor he saw his girlfriend. Too bad for her she was in his way. She ended up being thrown aside and into the nearest wall. Mark, feeling victorious, and as if he MUST be victorious after demolishing his relationship, flew out the front doors, dove, and caught the watch just inches before it hit the ground. "Whew," Mark said, "That was close!" He looked at the watch and proudly announced "290 seconds! YES!!!"
    Luke then casually dropped his watch off of the side of the building. He ran down the stairs, and after a few floors, totally ignored the rule of stairs and fell down the rest. He accidently ran into a few people, plowed over a few grannies with his rather large belly, and ran face first into the glass door. He got up and ran outside to see a pile of glass, metal, and gold, formerly known as his watch. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" He cried as he scooped his watch off of the sidewalk and buried it in the Fichus near the entrance of the building. Phart was the last one to race. He, without hesitation, dropped his watch off of the edge of the building. Phart, with ease, walked to the elevator, was slowly lowered to the 1st floor, and after a few stops to let other people in and out, Phart got to the 1st floor. He stopped by the candy machine because he was a bit hungry having forgotten his lunch. He got a king-sized Rice Crispy Treat, and a 20oz. Pepsi, he walked outside then helped the paramedics carry away a girl who's neck was hurt after her boyfriend slammed her against the wall. He casually walked outside, picked up a newspaper, read it, then he looked slowly up, positioned himself walked to the side a little, held up his hand, and caught his watch. Phart smiled as he took a bite of his Crispy Treat, triumphantly walked to the elevator, and went back to the roof.
    Phart, Luke, and Mark, were now up on the roof. Having played their game, Mark and Luke marveled at Phart's ability to get his watch with such ease. They both asked in unison, "How the heck did you manage to do all of that stuff and get your watch with such precision?!" Phart answered , "Simple, my watch is half an hour slow."