• I waltzed over to the door in my raggedy shack. It was locked, like I needed it to be. No Infected would be getting in tonight.
    The year is 3000, and a disease known only as It has destroyed 3/4 of the population of Earth. Our protagonists, Fumi and Ryo, are two of the survivors. The Infected usually turned into zombies, and were vicious. Now back to the story.
    I looked over at Ryo. I had been recently noticing miniscule details about him. Like his shoulder-length jet black hair, or his neon green eyes, which were unusual for a Japanese. In the dim light, he shined like a star. It took me awhile to realize he was sleeping. I smiled.
    "Ryo, wake up!" I half-yelled. He jumped up almost immediately. He quickly grabbed the gun that was laying beside him and pointed it at me.
    "Motherf- oh it's just you, Fumi." he said, awake now. I crossed my arms.
    "What do you mean it's just you, Fumi?" I said with a slight smirk. He smiled.
    "Fumi," he said, his tone sarcastic, "You are such a child." We both laughed. Even though both of our families had been killed by the Infected, we still had our own weird senses of humor.
    "I'm hungry." Ryo said suddenly, stopping our laughter. "What's for dinner?" I slapped him in the face, hard. I knew he wasn't hungry enough to waste some of our precious food.
    "What do you mean what's for dinner?" I screamed. "You know we don't have enough food--and-- mmphf..." He put his hand over my mouth before I went on and on, like I was known to do. I quickly knocked his hand off my mouth.
    "Why did you do--?" I said, but he put his hand over my mouth again. I felt the hair stand up on my neck as he whispered into my ear.
    "Shut up. I think I hear something." he whispered.
    And then I heard it. The subtle bumpbump bumpbump of a group of Infected pounding on our door.
    Ryo pulled me closer. I could feel his muscles against my skin. I quietly grabbed my gun. I leaned over to whisper in his ear.
    "How are we going to drive them away?" I whispered.
    "I don't know." He whispered back. For the first time in the twenty years I had known Ryo, I heard fear in his voice.