• He laid in a hospital bed, his eyes adjusting to the strong light pouring in through the window. He stretched out his long, creaky limbs, laying his head on the lumpy pillow. Yet even in his uncomfortable setting, a wide smile spread across his face. Today’s the day! He thought, today I can finally leave!

    He slid out of his bed, his warm feet softly hitting the cool, tile floor with a gentle thud. He walked to the wide window he had come to love during his stay at the hospital. With a push, the window easily slid up, letting the cool river breeze swirl around the room. The smile returned to his face as he gazed out over the bustling parking lot. Although people hustled around, it gave him a sense of peace.

    “What are you doing out of bed so early Jeremy?”

    Jeremy turned around to see a young woman smiling at him, one hand on her petite hip and wearing a wink. He smiled back.

    “Of course I’m up! I get to finally go home today!” Jeremy laughed. The nurse’s smile fell a little, but she held it up high for him.

    “What’s your name?” Jeremy asked, sitting on the stiff bed. She set a tray of food on his bedside table.

    “Melody, my name is Melody.”

    “Melody,” Jeremy paused, “that’s a very pretty name.” His face dropped and he blushed as the words spilled out of his mouth. She laughed lightly and patted his shoulder.

    “Thank you Jeremy. Now, do me a favor and eat up! I’ll be back in a few minutes to take you to therapy.” She smiled and walked out. He smiled too, taking a bite out of his stale toast.

    Twenty minutes later, Melody came back.

    “Hey there, Jeremy.” She smiled. Jeremy looked up from the window once again.

    “H-hello,” he stammered, barely smiling back.

    “Ready for physical therapy?”

    His face turned to a confused frown. “Already? Are you sure?” he asked. Melody nodded and he shrugged.

    “O-okay then, let’s go I guess.” He walked to her side. They quietly walked down the near-empty halls.

    “So... what’s your name?” Jeremy asked shyly. She smiled.

    “Melody, my name is Melody.”

    “Melody,” Jeremy paused, “that’s a pretty name.”