• As life goes on we are face with many decisions. Some that can change our life forever. Some people are not happy with what they are handed. But the rule of life is that life hands you stuff and you have to make the best of what you get. Not all of what life hands you is good. Many times we are handed sorrow, or experience death. Thus we can accomplish more if we learn from the mistakes we have commited, and makng life more fulfilling. If we keep looking back we can never see what is to come of the future. Be happy with what you get and what you have because if you think your life is bad.... there are millions of people who's lives are a lot worse. If you get a ticket, or you lost your keys, or even a loved one has died, GET OVER IT! A lot of people who are less fortunate experiece more extreme conditions everyday. Some people who are being angry for something they didn't get or can't have don't really see that those things are nothing. And people all over try to fend for their lives while others are sitting at home in a bed with clothes and food to eat.

    So some things we need to ask ourselves are... Who are we to decide when our time to die is near? Or when our time to create is here? Or when we feel emotions like love, hate, and fear? And with that said rolling down my cheek is a single tear.