• On the edge of the universe, there once was a beautiful star. She shone the brightest light of all, and was a guide to living beings many galaxies away. However, the loneliness she faced was unbearable.

    For many millennia, she waited for someone, or something, to come and ease her pain. As time went on, her light began to fade and the darkness began to swallow her. She thought of all of the other beings in this universe who had companions and grew darker with rage. The star was going to destroy it all. Just before she blackened completely, another star shot across the sky.

    "Please don't disappear," it said. "In destroying everything, you will also destroy yourself. When there is nothing left, you'll remain alone for all eternity."

    The once bright star cried, "What do you care? You'll only be flying away soon anyway."

    The shooting star revolved around her and replied, "No I won't. I will wait with you until the end of time."

    The beautiful star was elated by his words and began to shine once more. To this day, these binary stars continue to glitter in the night sky.