• Aaron stumbled down the dark steps of the pub, cursing violently at the pushers. He was unlucky being on the other side. He was in fact the pushee. He slowly got up, his mind boiling over with anger and hatred. He began to run towards the demons who thought they were bigger and better than him, wanting to rip their heads off in a terrible explosion of fury. "Hey jerks," he yelled "why don't you try that pushing act again and see what happens!" Before he knew it, Aaron and his big mouth had gotten him nowhere. He was just on the ground again, helpless, like a mouse at the edge of a cats lips. But he was clearly determined to beat these bullies to the places they belonged. In a cemetery of the stupid. He walked toward them again continuously shooting bad bad words at them like nobody's business. He knew it was stupid, but he was doing it. Then in an blast of rage, the bully is in the air. High above the world looking out upon what is about to destroy him. He then begins to fall, feeling himself slipping away into the heavens, his spirit separating from his worldly body, but then the world stops. He's floating above Aaron's head. What had happened? Had time frozen? Was he dead? Questions filled his minuscule brain as he thought rapidly. Aaron then looked at his hands, asked "What am I?" and then ran, leaving the bully to fall to the ground, fracturing his wrist in the process.
    He ran as fast as he could through that dirty old town. The ground was eroding behind him he was running so fast. Then he exploded into pieces. Gone into oblivion. Left to survive the series of events over and over again. Show you never to let your anger overtake you, because you just might get burned!

    burning_eyes wahmbulance scream /