• The warriors approached, stretched out in a strong line, their paws thundering against the hard packed earth. They kept a steady rhythm as they moved along the empty plain, with their leader in front. His scarred golden pelt glistened in the dull sunlight, and his paws were stained scarlet red from the blood puddles they walked through. Behind him, many warriors followed. They followed, fanning out in a line for defense. The warriors reached a hill, and the leader stopped, looking down over it. The wind ruffled his fur, giving his already Braun silhouette a menacing air. His shoulders were hunched, and his long claws were sheathed. He was ready for a fight.
    "Lionstar" rasped a voice fro behind him. Lionstar swiveled his ear back, acknowledging the voice
    " We are ready, Lionstar. Cloudtail and Brightheart have patrolled the perimeter, and Windclan are not to be found. Sandstorm claims they are already on their territory...waiting" Said the voice. Lionstar turned to face the large white male. His sister, Foxfang stood beside him.
    "Thank you, Icepelt. I have been waiting for this day. To get my revenge on that pathetic excuse for a warrior." Lionstar snarled. The two warrior's dipped their heads and went back in line with the others. Lionstar scanned the row of warriors, and felt pride fill his heart. They all stood tall, their battled scarred pelts shinning with confidence. Their muzzles and paws were all stained scarlet red, but they look magnificent. Tigerstar would be proud
    "Alright, let's go!" Snarled Lionstar to his warriors, and leaped off the hill. His paws hit the ground with a soft thud, and he could hear the paws of his followers behind him. Moving as one, they crossed the open moor, now officially in Windclan territory. The advanced grimly and menacingly, preparing for the worst. Suddenly, he heard a battle cry, and Windclan cats came pouring out of tree's. They advanced on the Thunderclan ambush, and they all leapt at once. There was screaming and hissing everywhere. Several cats tried to attack Lionstar, but he brushed them off. He was only searching for one warrior today.
    He seeked desperately, snarling at every turn. He was running at full speed, but his enemy's pelt was easy to spot among the mass of pelts that had swarmed the moor.
    " Lionstar? You lookin' for me?" Shouted a voice, and Lionstar stopped.
    The windclan warrior was standing tall, battles raging around him. Lionstar advanced on him.
    "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment, you pathetic mouse brain." He spat. "II will kill you today in honor of my sister. Hollyleaf deserves to watch you die!" He wailed, before flinging himself onto the warrior. They Grappled and spat, before Lionstar got him under neath his powerful golden muscles. They rippled under his skin with the force it was taking him to keep the warrior down.
    "This is for you, Hollyleaf!" He screeched, before sinking his long teeth into the black warriors neck. He let out a feeble wail, only for it to be cut off by a disturbing gurgle. The warrior went limp, and his blood poured out onto the already battle warn ground.
    "Goodbye, Crowfeather."