• Chapter 7: Wanted

    “Ok, I’ll see you guys later,” said Miranda to Ralph and Maria.
    “Me too, of course,” added Brad as they walked out the door. They hopped into the truck and headed for the grocery store. The whole way there, Brad enjoyed the sound of Miranda’s voice singing along with the radio. He loved the sweet sound of her musical voice, because it was always perfect, in tune, and hit just the right pitch every time.
    “Ok, I’ll look for grains, you get the dairy, and we’ll meet in the meat. Sound like a plan?” Miranda asked after they had entered the store. They found it safe to leave Miranda since they both had a key to the truck, a cell phone, and they were in the same store. This was the way they shopped every time they needed to, and nothing had happened.
    “Sounds great to me. What do we do afterwards?”
    “We’ll discuss that in the meat section,” Miranda replied while turning to her destination. She slowly looked over the prices and values of the different cheese. She felt some one behind her, so she moved to get out of their way. They kept coming back, and suddenly she knew. She looked at their mind just to make sure, and she discovered there were several, some close, some waiting afar just in case. She did the best she could to map out a route before they touched her.
    She slowly stuck her hand in her purse, grabbed a small can, and then quickly tossed herself around to spray the pepper spray in the eyes of the intruder. She shot out of the aisle, following her plans to the door as closely as possible. She hid behind a rack momentarily when she realized there was someone at the door. She reached her hand out, and then swished it to the side, her power causing them to fall as if she had pushed them herself. She sprinted out the door, looking for the truck. She looked back to see several people racing after her. She reached the truck with the people not far behind her. She unlocked the door, then grabbed the handle and pulled. It wouldn’t budge. She pulled it a couple more times to see if it would work. The door stayed firmly in place, causing her to panic. The men were getting dangerously close. She couldn’t fight them off with her power because she was afraid someone would see it, or it would just attract attention. She quickly placed her hand on the side of the door near the hinges and pushed with great force. She reached over to the handle as fast as she could while retaining the force, and pulled. The door flew open, and she flew in. She closed the door and locked it. She put a small guard on the truck to stop them from breaking anything and getting in. She whipped out her cell phone and began to dial Brad’s number.
    “Miranda? What’s wrong?”
    “Brad, get out here. I’m in the truck. There are 7 men around your truck trying to get me. Don’t worry about your truck; it’s completely safe. Once they realize it, they’ll be gone. I need out of here, now.”
    “What do I do with the groceries? We need them to eat.”
    “Well, the way I look at it, you can’t eat when you’re dead. Also, we can come back. Hurry please, the guard can’t hold much longer. They’re beating the crap out of it.”
    “I’m on my way,” Brad responded as he hung up the phone. He went as fast as he could to make it out to the orange truck that held the girl. He looked around the truck from a distance, seeing the men trying their best to get to Miranda. He looked through the window to realize Miranda mouthing the words ‘you can get in through the passenger’s door’ to him. After preparing himself a little, he started to sprint towards the truck. Once he got closer, he pushed anyone who got in his way out. He reached for the handle, and then realized his hand sunk into the door. He decided to enter the rest of the way that way, since he obviously wasn’t grabbing onto the handle anytime soon. “When you said I could get in through the passenger’s door, I didn’t realize that you meant through the passenger’s door,” Brad said as soon as he had gotten into the seat.
    Miranda laughed a little. “Ready to go?”
    “As ready as I’ll ever be.” Brad buckled his seatbelt, prepared for a crazy ride.
    “Good.” Miranda began to drive, trying to lose the men who had also gotten into their cars and were now following them. “Hold on!” she shouted as she made a sharp turn into a small ally. As soon as they weren’t visible from the road, Brad realized he was at home again.
    “Did you…”
    “Teleport? Yea, sure did. Got us here faster, and no one could follow us that way.”
    “Ok, just making sure I wasn’t seeing things.” They both got out of the truck and walked back to the house. Brad was in a little shock, and also a little worried about Maria and Ralph’s reaction when they tell them why no groceries got home.