• Chapter One: Burning Desire

    It had been a week since the death of her parents, and Scarlet was still overcome with hatred and sorrow. She wandered aimlessly through what remained of Fae Forest after the terrible fire storm.

    Scarlet gazed longingly into the large pink ruby on her necklace. She imagined her mother’s pained face inside the jewel, seeing her daughter for the last time as she slipped away, surrounded by merciless flames….

    Oh, Mother, what should I do? I have no idea where to go, Scarlet thought sadly as she stared into the ruby. Please guide me and keep me safe on my quest. She held the jewel to her forehead and silently uttered an ancient faerie prayer, then continued on.

    As Scarlet pushed onward, she saw a blur of movement behind a charred tree. “Who’s there?” Scarlet called out. “Show yourself!” She cautiously stepped forward, her hand clutching her sword.

    Suddenly, Scarlet tripped over a burnt root and came crashing to the ground before she had a chance to spread her wings and avoid impact. She was jerked upward and hung in the air, caught inside a hunter’s net.

    A man stepped out from behind the tree and pointed a gun at Scarlet. ¡Yo le he conseguido ahora, la criatura de magia negra! No luche, ni usted perderá su vida. I've got you now, creature of black magic! Do not struggle, or you shall lose your life,” the hunter threatened. He lightly wrapped his index finger around the trigger, but did not pull it. He kept the barrel pointing at Scarlet as he advanced forward to gather his catch. ¡Seré rico después de vender esta bestia en el mercado negro! Sí, yo lo puedo ver ahora.... I'll be rich after selling this beast at the black market! Yes, I can see it now....”

    Scarlet was petrified with fear. Faerie magic was powerful, but it was just about useless against humans. Worse, human weapons and tools were toxic to Faeries of her species. Being hit by one meant certain death. Just one of the many reasons nature never meant for humans and Faeries be near each other.

    Damn! At this rate, I’ll share my parents’ fate in the end! It can’t end like this! Scarlet thought angrily. Wait a sec.... Mother said that this necklace can boost a Faerie’s power. Maybe.... She clutched the necklace and held it up to her forehead. “Necklace of power, hear my cry,” she whispered, her eyes closed with determination. “Allow me to give this human the divine punishment he deserves!”

    Immediately, Scarlet began glowing yellow, then orange, then a passionate red.

    ¡Qué demonios?! the hunter exclaimed. “What the hell?!”

    The power is building within me.... “HUAHHHHHHH!” Scarlet screamed as she unleashed her attack. There was a small explosion and waves of fire shot out in every direction within a small radius. The net restraining her was incinerated and the hunter flew backward, hitting his head on the charred tree.

    Scarlet slowly approached the stunned hunter, a smirk on her face. Fireballs appeared in her hands and she glowed red again to symbolize her fury. “This is revenge for what you filthy humans did to my parents. A life for a life,” she snarled viciously. “A life for two lives, actually. Now you will experience their pain and suffering tenfold, as well as my own!” A satisfied laugh ripped out of her throat.

    El señor, tiene misericordia…,” the hunter muttered weakly. “Lord, have mercy….” He then closed his eyes and passed out.

    “Now, DIE!” Scarlet screeched as she lunged forward to set the hunter aflame with a fireball. Suddenly, she stopped. He reminds me of my father…, she thought reproachfully. Although I wish to avenge my parents’ death, I shouldn’t take it all out on a human who had nothing to do with the incident. Malfazar is my target, not this misguided fool.

    The fireballs in her hands dissipated and her red glow faded away. “Your life has been spared,” Scarlet said flatly to the unconscious hunter. She spread her wings and flew away.

    ~ ~ ~