
    My kind haave waited for our turn for millions of years.It is the destiny of the Earth to pass between the possesion of the surviving races. But I belive it may be best if I were to start from the beggining.

    There are five gods each were resposible for creating thier own race.Each one thoat long and hard about whom they should create.Marcus who was the king of the gods was the first to come to his decision so with but the snap of his fingers he crated the werewolves.Agape was next who was beautiful and proud created the dragons.Horos who was distant and shy created the giants.Keres who saw death crated the humans.Podarge who was always flietly footed created the vampires.

    Chapter 1

    The races were always fight over territory. So one day the gods came down to subtle thier beloved childrens qurreles. But not all the races enjoyed the gods interfering so they tried to rebel. The gods needless to say were out raged by thier childrens rebeling and punished them according to thier sins.

    The giants who were the worst affenders for they lead thier brother races were banished never to roam the Earth again. The dragons who spread the lies and accused the gods of not being worthy of thier power were striped of thier most valuble possesions... thier bright colors.From then on they could only wear dark purples, dark blues and greens, and black.This is ofcourse why they all but destroyed themselves but thaat is another tale.The vampires who gathered troops and ran messages were imprisoned to the night.

    But not all the races rebeled two the werewolves and the humans fought against thier brothers.So they were spared but fearing a futre rebeling the gods slightly reduced werewolves power only alowing them full power on the fullmoon.

    Humans who altho mortal would live for up to threehundered years had thier lives drasticly shortened.This is why humans have forgoten thier ancestory.This is also why humans have forgoten the terms at which the gods let us remain together.

    The first rule was that the other races can not interefer with the dominant race at that time.The second rule was that no races may concive with another race.Each race is to rule for no more or less then three million years.

    Chapter 2

    In one year it will be our turn.The transition will be relatively swift.No war no deaths it will be silent it will be stealthy for this is the way it must be to each race will belive it's the end of the world only to realizee that it is only the beggining.

    When ever power is transitioned form one to another wether it be man to man or country to country there is all ways hard ships at first.It would be nice if this wasn't true but it is.Few really injoy death it is more likely that it is the violace that they injoy and the proces of it.

    With this we all must think can one person be held responsable for his race?Can this generation be held accountable for past ones?The unpleasant truth is yes yes they can and typically they are.The truth is every one needs someone to blame even if that person is only one of the meny.

    It is now one week till we will have our turn our leaders are preparing for the transition.Every thing is on schedual.You mqy be wondering my job in all this you may thing I am in a political group but i am not I am just a another werewolf nothing sepecial but what I do ya you could consider that special. I am the one who makes things run smoothly when a small band of people or vampires do not wish to give up thiere position I deal with them in any way necassary.

    It has always been my job but when the transition is complete I will go back to my true position. I am a trainer of new werewolves.See werewolves are created when a human wishes to become one and can locate a werewolf and that werewolf agrees they are then sent to me and a select few to train them.I have trained many.I teach them how to use thier weapon the laws of the clan and the general things they will need to to know.

    It has finnaly happened.Ours is now the dominant race and with that the new ones will be comming in and my job will beggin.I as the senior trainner have the first pick all of them aremstanding at attention in a straight line.I come to the first one, male, five nine, maybe 216 not in the best shape.No.I head to the next one female, five one, 138, not bad except she seems to concerned with how she looks.No.Next one no.the same with the nex six then I come to the tenth female, five nine, 190 maybe fit seems healthy she'll do.

    One thing that I personnaly do not enjoy babout new commers is all the myths they have (the misunderstanding of the full moon is the worst). Some of the myths are just stupid silver kills us,HA! Thats just pathetic.

    We finally arrived at my residence a modest one story house. I have always prived seculedety so I have set up my house on a lone island so after a few hours of traveling by boat we finnaly arrived. I knew there would be somthing different about this one because there was absaloutly no talking.

    There is only one other person who lives on the island (Tyler is one of my closest allies he is a taurus. I am a scorpio this matters because that is the very first thing before training begins) he was standing at the docks in one of his old trench coats and even from this distance you could tell he was shitfaced.

    As we came up to the dock Tyler threw me the rope to tie the boat down. I tied the boat up and quickly jumped out when i got on the dock and turned arround to help Jasmine up (the only thing I knew about her was her name) Tyler was already doing just that. He had gotten her up on the dock and was bowing and kissing her hand and letting his tale shake like a puppy in heat. He was no doubtedly trying to sweet talk her and I remembered now exactly why I didn't usually take on female students. I stood there a moment thinking that she might slap him but she just stood there with a confused look on her face so of course I had to step in. I hit him over the head into the watere and said "Can you not tell she has no idea what the ******** is going on and what have I told you about getting drunk when I bring new students home." As he pulled himself back onto the dock he replied "I didn't do it against her will and I'm not drunk." "Yes because she totally asked you to try to try to rape her and i could smell you before we got halfway here." I said as I shook my head. He didn't reply insted he just took all the luggage and the supplies I had gathered while on the mainland and put them in the humvee while I escorted Jasmine into the back and took my place in the passangers seat.

    Tyler got in the driver seat and for the first time that night Jasmine spoke "should he really be driveing drunk?" The fact that she was serious made it impossible for me to stop laughing and Tyler just sat there looking like he was trying really had not to do the same. "Why do you think the cops will pull him over?" I said after collecting myself."But couldn't he kill someone else?" She asked. To this Tyler looked back at her and replied " Listen lady the only people on this island are you me and Jake over there." I noded me head in agreement and then he through the humvee in drive and blared of twords the house.

    From the docks to the house is about a five minute drive Tyler quickly cut that down to about a minute. Once there I got out of the humvee and opened her door helping her down. I gently led her to the to the door and asked her wether she would like a room on the top floor bottom floor or subfloor. She softly replied that she didn't know and didn't want to be a bother that any thing would be okay by her. I led her to the only bed room on the top floor. "There are only five bedrooms in the entire house." I explained to her on the way to her new room. "one on the top floor, one on the main, and two on the bottom." Whe she got a confused look on her face I explained to her that me and Tyler slept out side on separet sides on the is land me near the house and him on the far side and the only reason we have rooms is for students and when the weather is much to bad even for us. When she looked slightly disturbed I told her if you wish could sleep outside her door or window if she was afraid Tyler might make another move she changed her look to embarrassed and blushed. "Really it's no problem but you need not worry about Tyler he'll leave you alone." With that asuurance I left her to make her self comfterable and headed down stairs.