• Prologue…

    Just before you read this, I’m not responsible for your brain disorders you might get from reading this story, just to inform you.

    You think I’m kidding? Trust me; I’m very sure that I’m not. So therefore I’m warning you just ahead of time, before you might get stuck in the darkness with me.

    If this story shall give you nightmares, I’m warning. Put the book down. Seriously, I’m meaning it. That must mean your poor fragile mind can’t take that horror this story will give you. Sadly… all the human beings that read this…. About 2/3 of them go mad or go insane of the strong tone that I’m telling the story from or maybe because I’m too awesome that the people go mad, either way, 2/3 of the humans who read this go mad, insane.

    If you think this story is confusing… Then I think you should also put down this book as well. For I shall warn you, this story is told from my present self yet also from past self so therefore this story shall be confusing. It may tend to have many flashbacks because I tend to think to myself which is also… talking to myself… in a weird kind of way…

    What? What if a guy such as myself LOOOVES to talking to himself? And trust me, I’m sane. I’m WAY sane then the my kind, believe it or not.

    Has it ever occurred to you what good is? Some may theorized that good is white or light, but is it really that? What if it happens if good isn’t always light and white and if bad isn’t always dark and black? Really, has it ever occurred to you?

    And has it ever occurred to you when is death? What is death? Is living really a gift given to you, something you must treasure? What if it isn’t? What if it’s a curse? Have you ever thought of that?

    Anyways… Just forget I said anything and I hope that I had confused your human minds and contaminated you with my non human thoughts. But I bid you the greatest luck of all, for I am absolutely sure that you would need it. Use it wisely.