• Wen u leave, i get sad. but i cant wait to see u again the next time. wen im not with u i feel alone even wen im in a crowd of my friends and family, the only one i need there, is u. u opened my heart and mind to all things around me. once i was with u, i never wanted to leave. wen we first met and asked me a qestion and i thuoght u liked my friend, but the next thing u sed made me change my thoughts. i sed "yes" and i became the most happiest girl in my world. my darkness and lonly went away. then u sed somthing that made me sad and yet, i suported u. and wen i got the news that i was getting cut off, god blessed us by helping us with money issues and i wasnt going to cut off anymore. then wen i found i still had feelings for u i asked u the qestion and look at us now, we're bak together and yet...........i still havent told u my true feelings.