• One day i woke up to find the sun just starting to peek through the dark stormy clouds. I knew something good was about to happen but i couldn't put my finger on it at all. I went to do what i woke up so early to do before school, the neighbors asked me to do join up with their mare Candy Cane who had a problem with trusting people and bucking. I stayed up all night to figure out how to do join up int the first place. Then a horrible memory kicked in. I remembered the day my dearest friend Kasey was trampled by a high strung horse and she was in a coma ever since. Its been two weeks but if i had been with her i felt like i could of prevented that from happening. As i stare into the paddock that me and my neighbor share, i see Candy Cane eying me like she was deciding to bolt or not. Once i stepped inside the paddock and went to grab her halter. Once i had a firm grip in the soft leather halter she bolted with me still grabbing on for dear life. She yanked her head around and i lost some of my grip but i held on for what seem liked ever then i felt a soft tug on my arm. with that tug i unhooked my fingers. I felt the same presence a week ago i knew it was Kasey looking out for me. I turned for a minute totally out of breath, i think i heard Kasey's voice in my ear, said "You never give up, thats one of the many qualities that i admire about you Leslie". I was shocked.......................

    Tell the rest of the story when i write it thank you for reading Part One